Trump's Tax Code has destroyed the future of the USA

You live in the greatest country in the world

United States International Rankings:
Child Well Being: 26th
Material Well-Being: 26th
Child Poverty Rates: 28th
Health and Safety: 25th
Infant Mortality Rates: 26th
Immunization Rates: 22nd
Educational Well-Being: 27th
Teen-pregnancy rates: 29th
Overall Education: 38th
Primary Education: 58th
Labor/Employee Relations: 42nd
Reliability of Police Services: 29th
Public Trust of Politicians: 54th
Transparency of Government Policy Making: 56th
Availability of Technology: 17th
Infrastructure: 33rd
Median Income: 29th
Property Rights: 42nd
Number of Prisoners Incarcerated: 1st
Amount of Military Spending: 1st
Health Care Costs: 1st

We are nowhere near number one pal. We haven't been for a long, long time.

United States International Rankings:
Child Well Being: 26th
Material Well-Being: 26th
Child Poverty Rates: 28th
Health and Safety: 25th
Infant Mortality Rates: 26th
Immunization Rates: 22nd
Educational Well-Being: 27th
Teen-pregnancy rates: 29th
Overall Education: 38th
Primary Education: 58th
Labor/Employee Relations: 42nd
Reliability of Police Services: 29th
Public Trust of Politicians: 54th
Transparency of Government Policy Making: 56th
Availability of Technology: 17th
Infrastructure: 33rd
Median Income: 29th
Property Rights: 42nd
Number of Prisoners Incarcerated: 1st
Amount of Military Spending: 1st
Health Care Costs: 1st

We are nowhere near number one pal. We haven't been for a long, long time.
Go live in another country for a bit pal.If it's so bad here, why do people from all over the globe want to live here? I'll bet when and if you make it back you will be glad.
Go live in another country for a bit pal.

I have. Have you?

If it's so bad here, why do people from all over the globe want to live here?

They don't. That's a common misconception.

You know how many people try to illegally enter the United States each year?
1.45 million.

Do you know how many people are on this planet?
7.53 billion.

That means that only .019% of the planet even tries to get here. The other 99.981% of the planet doesn't give a shit about the United States at all.
You people crack me up, Bitch when it's hot bitch when it's cold. If anyone believes either party has your best interest in mind you are dabbing way to much.. Put down the dab pen learn how civilized people address a You live in the greatest country in the world but yet you chose to complain about shit you can't control. Enjoy your freedom be happy you are not in a war torn country be grateful that you where blessed to be born in the USA!
You sound like a fucking idiot. Bet you listen regularly to Lee Greenwood singing "God Bless the USA" looped. With your MAGA cap spinning.
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United States International Rankings:
Child Well Being: 26th
Material Well-Being: 26th
Child Poverty Rates: 28th
Health and Safety: 25th
Infant Mortality Rates: 26th
Immunization Rates: 22nd
Educational Well-Being: 27th
Teen-pregnancy rates: 29th
Overall Education: 38th
Primary Education: 58th
Labor/Employee Relations: 42nd
Reliability of Police Services: 29th
Public Trust of Politicians: 54th
Transparency of Government Policy Making: 56th
Availability of Technology: 17th
Infrastructure: 33rd
Median Income: 29th
Property Rights: 42nd
Number of Prisoners Incarcerated: 1st
Amount of Military Spending: 1st
Health Care Costs: 1st

We are nowhere near number one pal. We haven't been for a long, long time.

We get that for $22 trillion debt?

OK, Orange man man

Its all Trumps fault and not Bush's anymore.
Actually, that all started with Nixon and has progressed faster and faster with every GOP president.

No Republican president since Johnson ever had a balanced budget.

Every war since WW2 was started by a Republican.

Republicans have bankrupted the nation over the last half century.
Actually, that all started with Nixon and has progressed faster and faster with every GOP president.

No Republican president since Johnson ever had a balanced budget.

Every war since WW2 was started by a Republican.

Republicans have bankrupted the nation over the last half century.
I'm OK with blaming Nixon as the first budget buster in chief when he poured the gasoline and nominate as second culprit, Saint Ronny Reagan, who put the match to it. The Bush family turned it into an inferno. Republicans really ought not brag about fiscal responsibility.

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