Trump's Tax Code has destroyed the future of the USA


Well-Known Member
The national debt reached over $22 trillion for the first time today, making the US by far the largest debtor nation in the history of the world, and reach a milestone that experts warned is further proof the country is on an unsustainable financial path to Hell, that will fuck the economic security of every American citizen today and for generations to come, and we all can thank this massive fucking mess to that Master of Shit, Donald J Trump

The Treasury Department reported this morning that the debt grew just this last month alone by $30 BILLION, and it ain't slowing down any time soon, if ever.(Nice thought, isn't it)
The national debt has been skyrocketing following the passage of Dick Brains $1.5 trillion tax-cut package a year ago, and as the result of the congressional efforts to increase spending on military programs, which have reached historic highs. (never enough nukes) This nation has added more than $1 trillion in debt in just the last 11 months alone, with no end in sight because the GOP and Trump have royally fucked the middle and lower classes (surprise!!!) and their children's children economic future.

We are so fucked.

“Reaching this unfortunate milestone so rapidly is the latest sign that our fiscal situation is not only unsustainable but accelerating,” said Michael A. Peterson, chief executive officer of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a nonpartisan organization working to address the country’s long-term fiscal challenges.

So, in the span of a little over 2 years, Trump has managed to completely destroy the economic future of this Nation, by creating a national debt that we will never, ever get the fuck out of, a lasting gift from that spawn of Satan Trump

Just when it seems it can't get any worse, it does, and Mueller can't save us from this one, the damage is done, and we own it.

Fuck Trump
The national debt reached over $22 trillion for the first time today, making the US by far the largest debtor nation in the history of the world, and reach a milestone that experts warned is further proof the country is on an unsustainable financial path to Hell, that will fuck the economic security of every American citizen today and for generations to come, and we all can thank this massive fucking mess to that Master of Shit, Donald J Trump

The Treasury Department reported this morning that the debt grew just this last month alone by $30 BILLION, and it ain't slowing down any time soon, if ever.(Nice thought, isn't it)
The national debt has been skyrocketing following the passage of Dick Brains $1.5 trillion tax-cut package a year ago, and as the result of the congressional efforts to increase spending on military programs, which have reached historic highs. (never enough nukes) This nation has added more than $1 trillion in debt in just the last 11 months alone, with no end in sight because the GOP and Trump have royally fucked the middle and lower classes (surprise!!!) and their children's children economic future.

We are so fucked.

“Reaching this unfortunate milestone so rapidly is the latest sign that our fiscal situation is not only unsustainable but accelerating,” said Michael A. Peterson, chief executive officer of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a nonpartisan organization working to address the country’s long-term fiscal challenges.

So, in the span of a little over 2 years, Trump has managed to completely destroy the economic future of this Nation, by creating a national debt that we will never, ever get the fuck out of, a lasting gift from that spawn of Satan Trump

Just when it seems it can't get any worse, it does, and Mueller can't save us from this one, the damage is done, and we own it.

Fuck Trump
This tax cut was passed despite everything indicating it was exactly the wrong economic conditions for it. Against every economic principle.
This tax cut was passed despite everything indicating it was exactly the wrong economic conditions for it. Against every economic principle.
@Bugeye rooted it on and celebrated it even after we told him it would put a massive crater in the deficit

but still he tries to pretend like he is super worried about high deficits and debt

it's sad that he believes anyone is stupid enough to buy his shit
Trump didn't sell the country out to the "Federal" reserve and steal America's gold. The world has been fucked for decades and it won't be unfucked by paying rats that have no business pulling financial strings. Let the fat bastards implode and then the leftists on this board will finally have their shot at eating the rich.
Trump didn't sell the country out to the "Federal" reserve and steal America's gold. The world has been fucked for decades and it won't be unfucked by paying rats that have no business pulling financial strings. Let the fat bastards implode and then the leftists on this board will finally have their shot at eating the rich.

Wrong again. Republicans are why we have such a huge deficit. The ballooning deficit started with Reagan, then accelerated under the two Bushes.

Obama reduced the deficit 5 years in a row. The minute your Republicans got into office they got back to selling Reagan's their discredited trickle down Voodoo economics in order to sell a deficit driven tax cut to the tune of trillions of dollars in debt. Democrats are fiscally responsible. Have been since Bill was in office.
Trump didn't sell the country out to the "Federal" reserve and steal America's gold. The world has been fucked for decades and it won't be unfucked by paying rats that have no business pulling financial strings. Let the fat bastards implode and then the leftists on this board will finally have their shot at eating the rich.
Anti Semitic federal reserve conspiracy theory noted, klanmsn

Wrong again. Republicans are why we have such a huge deficit. The ballooning deficit started with Reagan, then accelerated under the two Bushes.

Obama reduced the deficit 5 years in a row. The minute your Republicans got into office they got back to selling Reagan's their discredited trickle down Voodoo economics in order to sell a deficit driven tax cut to the tune of trillions of dollars in debt. Democrats are fiscally responsible. Have been since Bill was in office.
JFK would disagree with you, but you probably have no idea who that even is. That and magic bullets, of course.

> fiscally responsible

How many trains to nowhere does it take to be fiscally responsible?
JFK would disagree with you, but you probably have no idea who that even is. That and magic bullets, of course.

> fiscally responsible

How many trains to nowhere does it take to be fiscally responsible?
JFK was wrong. I mean, duh. That experiment failed in the '80's along with the lie that Republicans can be fiscally responsible. Nope, Democrats are the ones who are fiscally responsible. The road to nowhere in Alaska is classic Republican pork.

Reagan proved the trickle down theory wrong but you Republicans keep going back to it. Republicans are incapable of learning. Democrats threw that garbage idea out the window with Bush Sr, balanced the budget and later after Republicans completely trashed the deficit, Obama whittled the deficit down. All made possible by learning from past mistakes. Something your kind cannot do..
JFK was wrong. I mean, duh. That experiment failed in the '80's along with the lie that Republicans can be fiscally responsible. Nope, Democrats are the ones who are fiscally responsible. The road to nowhere in Alaska is classic Republican pork.

Reagan proved the trickle down theory wrong but you Republicans keep going back to it. Republicans are incapable of learning. Democrats threw that garbage idea out the window with Bush Sr, balanced the budget and later after Republicans completely trashed the deficit, Obama whittled the deficit down. All made possible by learning from past mistakes. Something your kind cannot do..

The USA was gone long before Regan. He only served to add a few more nails to the coffin. Now the world is facing collapse and all you can do is pretend to care and blame CO2. Hopefully you know how to sharpen a knife, you may be eating the rich sooner than later.
The USA was gone long before Regan. He only served to add a few more nails to the coffin. Now the world is facing collapse and all you can do is pretend to care and blame CO2. Hopefully you know how to sharpen a knife, you may be eating the rich sooner than later.
The debt exploded under Reagan due to his tax cut to the wealthy. I understand why right wing GOP type fools want to forget that fact.

The "world" is not facing collapse. The world will do just fine regardless of what happens to people. What happens to people is up to people. Some of us have a clue. You don't.

Oh, and there aren't enough wealthy people to feed all the poor ones. The equation is the other way around and, yes, there is historical precedent for wealthy people doing just that. The French poor just lopped their heads off in their revolution. They were very efficient and humane about doing that too.
The debt exploded under Reagan due to his tax cut to the wealthy. I understand why right wing GOP type fools want to forget that fact.

The "world" is not facing collapse. The world will do just fine regardless of what happens to people. What happens to people is up to people. Some of us have a clue. You don't.

Oh, and there aren't enough wealthy people to feed all the poor ones. The equation is the other way around and, yes, there is historical precedent for wealthy people doing just that. The French poor just lopped their heads off in their revolution. They were very efficient and humane about doing that too.
Fabricated debt isn't an existential threat, but keep pushing your globalism just in case.
You people crack me up, Bitch when it's hot bitch when it's cold. If anyone believes either party has your best interest in mind you are dabbing way to much.. Put down the dab pen learn how civilized people address a You live in the greatest country in the world but yet you chose to complain about shit you can't control. Enjoy your freedom be happy you are not in a war torn country be grateful that you where blessed to be born in the USA!
You people crack me up, Bitch when it's hot bitch when it's cold. If anyone believes either party has your best interest in mind you are dabbing way to much.. Put down the dab pen learn how civilized people address a You live in the greatest country in the world but yet you chose to complain about shit you can't control. Enjoy your freedom be happy you are not in a war torn country be grateful that you where blessed to be born in the USA!
You know what we are all really good at? Not being told what we should do , :finger:
You know what we are all really good at? Not being told what we should do , :finger:

It shows just like a teenager you reply with no substance ! I never told anyone what to do I just made a suggestion don't wanna grow up that's the problem bunch of immature cry babies bitch about a problem but never offer a solution...
You people crack me up, Bitch when it's hot bitch when it's cold. If anyone believes either party has your best interest in mind you are dabbing way to much.. Put down the dab pen learn how civilized people address a You live in the greatest country in the world but yet you chose to complain about shit you can't control. Enjoy your freedom be happy you are not in a war torn country be grateful that you where blessed to be born in the USA!

Always look on the bright side of life huh?...for as long as it lasts I suppose. I'm an American that lives in Ukraine and I gotta tell's a bit unnerving living in a country that is on the brink of war with Russia. If it happens... it will be over before it even started. And it's pretty damn obvious that Trump will do nothing and Putin has free reign. But I digress...