Trumps pedophilia back in the news

So, its more important to you to force people to interact when one or both parties may not want to than to seek company elsewhere?

That's sort of right out of a rapist playbook isn't it ? Yes, Rob Roy, it is, would be the answer if you ever answered.
Who has been forced to open a store
I've never been sure which of the hyenas are your puppets, literally or figuratively.

My stated views are that people who have the wherewithal to form consent, can consent. It's self evidently accurate. Recognizing something which is self evident isn't the same thing as endorsing all of the possibilities of what other people do though. You seem to have purposefully ignored that.
So you think people view you as a pedophile because they aren’t rational, have been tricked by my propaganda, and are also all just my puppets

You don’t think it has anything to do with your stated views on age of consent laws?