Trumps in trouble, time to play race card!

You're probably in the FBI data base because of the number of times you use the word "pedophile". There's probably a strong correlation between people who use that word a lot (regardless of context) and actual pedophiles.
You're probably in the FBI data base because of the number of times you use the word "pedophile". There's probably a strong correlation between people who use that word a lot (regardless of context) and actual pedophiles.
you literally support an avowed pedophile
that was on purpose- 88 is code for heil Hitler

That’s the person you support and you cry when people call you racist

You’re a bitch

ok so either trump is a nazi, or the propaganda machine wants to make you think he is. Let’s see, who has more to gain from him being a nazi or at least for people to think he is a nazi?
you literally support an avowed pedophile

My now ex wife called me a pedophile once. So I filed for divorce took her to court and got sole custody of my daughter. So when I hear people throwing around an accusation like that it makes me think they have done lost everything or just about to.
My now ex wife called me a pedophile once. So I filed for divorce took her to court and got sole custody of my daughter. So when I hear people throwing around an accusation like that it makes me think they have done lost everything or just about to.

He's done lost everything and is about to lose his sole hope in life come November.
The racist card is the only thing the liberals have left and it’s pathetic.
Ok, while I disagree strongly because there are plenty of cards to dislike the horrendous job Trump has done as POTUS, I would point out that you might not listen to a lot of 'liberals' outside of spoon fed clips and 'guests' on hate monger entertainment shows that pretend to be news. Or Dear Leader's trolls (Foreign and Domestic)

What facts? The fact that liberals call every trump supporter a racist? Or if someone doesn’t apologize for being white a racist?

Trump is running on a racist platform. If you are wrongly being called a racist, just use your ignore button. But chances are that you don't realize (assuming your an American and not just another foreign troll sock puppet) that you are being pummeled with a very sophisticated propaganda campaign to get you to react in a very human and logical manner based on the lies that is pinpointed to exactly what you respond to.

And Dear Leader is allowing the attack on us by the Russian military, because he knows it helps his re-election chances.

If you want to fix what’s wrong how about looking at where most the problems are. They are in big cities that are run by liberal democrats with black mayors and black chief of police. They are with the liberal democrats and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who have made a killing keeping their people oppressed. You think BLM is really for black lives? Well it’s not. It’s all political in an effort to regain momentum and win the next election. Rich politicians don’t give 2 shits about common folk.

There is so much bullshit here, but there is little point if you are so snowballed about the propaganda attack we are in the middle of it is worthless to try to get you to understand this yet.

But to start, I suggest understanding how after WW2 all those returning vets got to take advantage of the greatest generational wealth increase by buying up all the land around cities that were opened up with the interstate highway systems. And how racist laws kept minorities from being able to take the same advantage of the economic boon that white men were.
If you want to fix what’s wrong how about looking at where most the problems are. They are in big cities that are run by liberal democrats with black mayors and black chief of police. They are with the liberal democrats and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who have made a killing keeping their people oppressed. You think BLM is really for black lives? Well it’s not. It’s all political in an effort to regain momentum and win the next election. Rich politicians don’t give 2 shits about common folk.
How dare people of color value themselves. I love what you’re saying we couldn’t be two more opposite people.
Here's the speech verbatim, Tell me how I twisted what he said..


That dick is actually making fun of a person with a stutter while telling you how to feel every couple seconds.

No wonder you like him.

You do realize that the propaganda machine will make things into what they really arnt right? So many of you are so eat up with all this that you believe everything that is told to you as long as it aligns with how you feel. Sometimes one has to step back and use a little free thinking to figure out what’s probably true and what’s probably not completely true
Probably the most hypocritical post Ive ever read on here
ok so either trump is a nazi, or the propaganda machine wants to make you think he is. Let’s see, who has more to gain from him being a nazi or at least for people to think he is a nazi?
what propaganda machine?

I saw the 88 nazi images with my own eyes you bitch
Probably the most hypocritical post Ive ever read on here
If he is a real person, he is being shown shit by 'progressives' to make the 'left' look like idiots and propagandists. They are cat fishing everyone, like I said before, if these people are real and not another in the endless line of paid trolls they are getting spammed from every side of the argument to make them crazy.

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My now ex wife called me a pedophile once. So I filed for divorce took her to court and got sole custody of my daughter. So when I hear people throwing around an accusation like that it makes me think they have done lost everything or just about to.
trump is literally on tape bragging about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage girls

Are you fucking retarded?
If he is a real person, he is being shown shit by 'progressives' to make the 'left' look like idiots and propagandists. They are cat fishing everyone, like I said before, if these people are real and not another in the endless line of paid trolls they are getting spammed from every side of the argument to make them crazy.

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I’m saying he doesn’t even grow or smoke weed. He’s a dbag here to be a dbag.
I’m saying he doesn’t even grow or smoke weed. He’s a dbag here to be a dbag.

what do I know? I’m only a 40 year old who raises his kid and like to grow indoors and outdoors. And what do you know? My guess is not much.
I guess the Rwandan genocide didn't happen. Black males are more aggressive partially because they have higher testosterone levels. FACT>!
I’m just now realizing your handle is probably pronounced “Verp”.

Am I correct, Herr Werp?