Trump's destruction of family during the Holidays.


Well-Known Member

You must be a real downer to get high with, since you can't even take a break for Christmas morning.
I told ya hanimmal, they are at war with America and its founding ideals, they want ethno nationalistic fascism, not democracy and the rule of law. Donald and a few others are desperate and it's gonna be total war until they pry the levers of power from his tiny hands, families along with a lot of other things are gonna be "collateral" damage.

I'm hoping Mitch figures out a way of fucking him in the trial while avoiding the blame, a secret ballot for removal (51%) might be interesting! If he doesn't do Donald, he will be tied to his burning carcass until election day, RIP GOP senate majority.
I told ya hanimmal, they are at war with America and its founding ideals, they want ethno nationalistic fascism, not democracy and the rule of law. Donald and a few others are desperate and it's gonna be total war until they pry the levers of power from his tiny hands, families along with a lot of other things are gonna be "collateral" damage.

I'm hoping Mitch figures out a way of fucking him in the trial while avoiding the blame, a secret ballot for removal (51%) might be interesting! If he doesn't do Donald, he will be tied to his burning carcass until election day, RIP GOP senate majority.

Too bad, secret or not, the Constitution requires a supermajority, not a simple one like you pray for. Damn those racist founding fathers for making it so hard on you to get rid of Trump!
You must be a real downer to get high with, since you can't even take a break for Christmas morning.
Lots of folks have slack time over the holidays, me too. Shopping and running around are done, time to sit around the yule log with an eggnog and shit on traitors and trolls, while the snow gently falls outside. Up here in the great white north we won the war on christmas awhile back and we've reverted to heathen beliefs, happy solstice, may your days become longer.
Too bad, secret or not, the Constitution requires a supermajority, not a simple one like you pray for. Damn those racist founding fathers for making it so hard on you to get rid of Trump!
Lot's of senators running in 2022 and 2024 including Mitt Romney, they just need four GOP votes to give everybody serious air cover from Trump and his base. They could do Donald fast and since he's an unindicted co conspirator in several cases, he could be in front of a judge and muzzled very quickly, bye bye twitter.:sad:o_O
Lots of folks have slack time over the holidays, me too. Shopping and running around are done, time to sit around the yule log with an eggnog and shit on traitors and trolls, while the snow gently falls outside. Up here in the great white north we won the war on christmas awhile back and we've reverted to heathen beliefs, happy solstice, may your days become longer.

I'm a heathen who isn't even of the Nordic type like you(myself being of the Eastern heathens), but I still say Merry Christmas, because it makes people feel better once a year. There's 364 more days in the year to be a doody head all you want. One day of pretend doesn't hurt me.

I'm a pacifist, so I don't have a war against anybody. If I need to resort to force, then whatever I wanted wasn't worth it.
You must be a real downer to get high with, since you can't even take a break for Christmas morning.
I am willing to take the time to push back on your trolling of our democracy in the hopes that I help bring a little sanity for the few families that would otherwise be caught off guard by the President of the United States of America's trolling of them.
I am willing to take the time to push back on your trolling of our democracy in the hops that I help bring a little sanity for the few families that would otherwise be caught off guard by the President of the United States of America's trolling of them.

Democracy doesn't exist in "your" country. This country was bought and sold a long time ago. My hope is there's a Revolution which brings down all the plutocratic elites. What's currently going on is what they planned. Whatever the outcome of each election is was known before it happened. Only by telling them we refuse to play their game, will anything happen. Their form of Democracy keeps us in our place and slaves to a system they rigged. I use a capital D in democracy because Democracy is a trademark of those who think they own me.
You claimed to be a christian before... Honesty required and lacking, self consistency is the hallmark of integrity. :-P
Trump is traitor and a stupid asshole who should be removed from office, what do ya say?

Whenever have I claimed to be a Christian? I haven't been a Christian since I was 13 years old, and said so before. Liar liar pants on fire to you! Notice the date of the post here: Nov 28, 2019

It was very easy for me, I never believed anything in the Bible, because I actually read it carefully, and thought, "how can this be? None of this makes sense, there's no justification for the contradictions."
That was at 14 years old.
Democracy doesn't exist in "your" country. This country was bought and sold a long time ago. My hope is there's a Revolution which brings down all the plutocratic elites. What's currently going on is what they planned. Whatever the outcome of each election is was known before it happened. Only by telling them we refuse to play their game, will anything happen. Their form of Democracy keeps us in our place and slaves to a system they rigged. I use a capital D in democracy because Democracy is a trademark of those who think they own me.
There it is...

Whenever have I claimed to be a Christian? I haven't been a Christian since I was 13 years old, and said so before. Liar liar pants on fire to you! Notice the date of the post here: Nov 28, 2019
In one of your posts you claimed the democrats were persecuting "Christians", that's straight up bullshit, something only a loonie would believe. I don't think you've been honest about your beliefs or self here and in doing so you have shown disrespect towards others here. Your not a communist, your a Trumper troll, a sock.
In one of your posts you claimed the democrats were persecuting "Christians", that's straight up bullshit, something only a loonie would believe. I don't think you've been honest about your beliefs or self here and in doing so you have shown disrespect towards others here. Your not a communist, your a Trumper troll, a sock.

You guys do persecute Christians, especially the male versions. I got sympathy for them because the demon Yahweh had his claws in me for 13 years. I realized it wasn't my fault, since my grandparents forced that garbage down my throat. It wasn't their fault, because their parents did the same. Apparently brainwashing isn't an easy thing to get over, just like you still haven't learned Democracy doesn't work, after getting Trump. You're still under the delusion too many people voted wrongly.

The truth is Democracy doesn't work. Just like the Christian wrongly believes the whole garbage of sin and how Jesus is the only one who can take it away, even though Dog is the one who made them born with sin. Which they even pray about and praise him saying, "forgive me father, for being a weak person born of sin."

You aren't born with sin, the same as Democracy gives you a choice. They're both illusions. But just because both you guys were duped, doesn't give your side the right to spew the hate you do. The same goes for Christians who then hate on gay and trans, using their religion as an excuse.
You guys do persecute Christians, especially the male versions. I got sympathy for them because the demon Yahweh had his claws in me for 13 years. I realized it wasn't my fault, since my grandparents forced that garbage down my throat. It wasn't their fault, because their parents did the same. Apparently brainwashing isn't an easy thing to get over, just like you still haven't learned Democracy doesn't work, after getting Trump. You're still under the delusion too many people voted wrongly.

The truth is Democracy doesn't work. Just like the Christian wrongly believes the whole garbage of sin and how Jesus is the only one who can take it away, even though Dog is the one who made them born with sin. Which they even pray about and praise him saying, "forgive me father, for being a weak person born of sin."

You aren't born with sin, the same as Democracy gives you a choice. They're both illusions. But just because both you guys were duped, doesn't give your side the right to spew the hate you do. The same goes for Christians who then hate on gay and trans, using their religion as an excuse.
How many wars has Trump started? None, because democracy does work. Why, because he can't start one without congressional approval, and because the American people voted in a Democratic wave in 2018 to keep him in check as much as possible with the Republicans being too much in the pocket of the Russian funding and their constituents in the bubble created by foreign trolls like yourself.