Trump's census shenanigans: foiled


Well-Known Member
Celebrate a win by our government against Republican Party's attempt to cheat the census.

What is at stake at the minimum:

Removing undocumented immigrants from apportionment would be unprecedented in U.S. history, and critics say it is unconstitutional. It could also affect the makeup of the House and the distribution of electoral college votes, shifting representation from some more diverse states with large immigrant populations to more White ones. A Pew Research Center study this summer found that if the country’s undocumented immigrants were excluded from apportionment, California, Texas and Florida would end up with one less seat and Minnesota, Ohio and Alabama would end up with one more, compared with what they would have gotten with no adjustments.

bureau officials “state that the Census Bureau plans to give to the President the components of the Apportionment Counts,” he wrote. “The clear implication is that it would not be the Census Bureau that would compute the actual apportionment, but presumably someone at the White House. The risk to an accurate and fair apportionment [is] enormous.”


The Census was tossed about by Trump like a cat does with a mouse. After hamstringing the census with conflicting orders, some of which were unconstitutional, Trump then called off the Census early. He's also been quite clear about his desire to remove the headcount of those who are in the component labeled "undocumented immigrant". This, despite the direction in the Constitution to: Count all the people in the country.

So, now the mouse gets his own back:

Census Bureau to miss deadline, jeopardizing Trump plan

The Census Bureau plans to announce it will miss a year-end deadline for handing in numbers used for divvying up congressional seats, a census official said. That delay could undermine President Donald Trump’s efforts to exclude people in the country illegally from the count if the figures aren’t turned in before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.

A census official who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter confirmed the delay to the Associated Press on Wednesday.

It will be the first time that the Dec. 31 target date is missed since the deadline was implemented more than four decades ago by Congress.

Internal documents obtained earlier this month by a House committee show that Census Bureau officials don’t see the apportionment numbers being ready until days after Biden is inaugurated on Jan. 20.


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Wasn't this decided by the SC already?
They decided to not decide this year. Trump was going to have a free hand with the numbers if he had gotten them. (snicker)

In July, Trump issued a memo that said people who are undocumented should not be included in the final count. Under his plan, the Census Bureau would report two sets of figures to the White House — one including everyone counted and another allowing him to leave out undocumented immigrants. The president could then report the smaller number to Congress for use in reapportionment.

bombastic tweets from the orange one about this coming soon.
They decided to not decide this year. Trump was going to have a free hand with the numbers if he had gotten them. (snicker)

In July, Trump issued a memo that said people who are undocumented should not be included in the final count. Under his plan, the Census Bureau would report two sets of figures to the White House — one including everyone counted and another allowing him to leave out undocumented immigrants. The president could then report the smaller number to Congress for use in reapportionment.

bombastic tweets from the orange one about this coming soon.
I read what the SCOTUS decided as, we don't think Trump can get his homework done on time anyways so we are not going to get in the way of his failures.
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Responding to criticism that a shortened schedule jeopardized data quality, the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday said less than a half percent of census takers interviewing households for the 2020 head count may have falsified their work, suggesting such problems were few and far between.

The statistical agency said in a statement that a preliminary look at the data suggests 0.4% of the hundreds of thousands of census takers, also known as enumerators, may have either falsified data or performed their jobs unsuccessfully.

“Therefore, enumerators who may have falsified data or performed poor quality work were very rare,” the statement said.

The Census Bureau issued its statement after a report from its watchdog agency Wednesday that expressed concerns over lapses in quality control checks on the data used for deciding how many congressional seats each state gets and how $1.5 trillion in federal funding is distributed each year. The lapses raised concerns about the quality of the census data, according to the report by the Office of Inspector General.

The report said the Census Bureau failed to complete 355,000 reinterviews of households to verify their information was accurate. Reinterviews also were not conducted with more than a third of the census takers who completed a household interview, and 70,000 cases that were red-flagged for reinterviews were given a pass even though a census clerk was unable to determine if the original interview data was correct, the report said.

About a third of the nation’s 130 million households required visits from census takers, while residents in the remaining two-thirds of households self-responded either online, by phone or by mail.

Because of the failure to conduct the reinterviews, the Census Bureau can’t provide a full picture of the falsification that may have taken place, said Rob Santos, president of the American Statistical Association.

“Just like with COVID testing, you won’t find it if you don’t look for it,” Santos said Thursday in an email.

Plus, there are other concerns about data quality besides falsification, such as inconsistent responses and the reliance on getting information from neighbors or landlords when residents of a household were unavailable, he said.

“Where are the assessments of these aspects of quality?” Santos said. “They are arguably more important than falsification because they will be more prevalent.”

The Associated Press has documented cases of census takers being pressured to enter false information into a computer system about homes they had not visited so they could close cases during the waning days of the once-a-decade national headcount. Other census takers told the AP that they were instructed to make up answers about households where they were unable to get information, in one instance by looking in the windows of homes and in another by basing a guess on the number of cars in a driveway or bicycles in the yard.

The Census Bureau announced it will miss Thursday’s deadline for turning in the numbers used for divvying up congressional seats but aims to deliver a population count of each state in early 2021, as close to the missed deadline as possible.

In a year-end blog post, Census Bureau director Steven Dillingham said 2020 — a year when the agency was conducting the census amid a pandemic, wildfires and hurricanes — “has tested our patience, faith and strength.”

“But despite all the extraordinary circumstances happening around the world, we have succeeded through the tenacity and creativity of the women and men who work at this extraordinary agency,” Dillingham wrote Thursday.
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