

Well-Known Member
Seems many of you still suffer from TDS. I think Biden and Trudeau are more current events. Pardon my spelling error, didn't realize how anal retentive you leftists are.
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You want to talk about supper?

I'm having grilled chicken breast and a big bowl of brown rice for supper tonight. I'll probably cut up the chicken after it's grilled and mix it right in with the rice, maybe a little soy sauce in there too
i got your mole problem solved too. it's not very politically correct though.
The walls are closing in on Stinky, people are ratting him and his deplorable family out, it's quite entertaining.
i'm curious as to who he will eventually take down with him, or who will rat him out for a deal...who knew what? who knew what trump knew, and when he knew it? do any of them have any proof? how many will be indicted before it's over? will any prominent republican be caught with their fingers in the wrong sugar bowl?...i'm a little disappointed so far, i was hoping there would be so many smoking guns that trump would just use one of them to blow out his rotten little brain, but i doubt he could hit a target that small