Well-Known Member
Maybe for a time, but the time will accumulate. I hope he's left loose to run around like Chucky with a knife inside the GOP while he delays his trials as much as he can. He will be hard on meatball Ron and Mitch wants to put lipstick on the pig before the election. A divided GOP with these pricks running around in a panic in fear of indictment, while fox is in a legal box of their own creation and could be muted or even gone by 24 is desirable. Donald will be of more use publicly freaking out sowing division and chaos in the GOP and fucking up Ron's chances for the nomination. I hope he runs a bull moose from his cell, if he gets inside one and walks his base out of the GOP in spite.My money is on house arrest IF he is convicted of anything.

I think winning an election cycle in 24 and then dealing with the problems using a majority is more important than locking up Donald, no matter how pleasing. Fox's legal problems and the fact they were giving the republicans billions in free advertising for decades is a serious matter, these assholes were making policy in the Trump WH FFS! Winning in 24 means new laws and regulations to make fox's business model illegal or problematic. Regulate cable like broadcast, they regulate phone and internet, so they can do it. Getting rid of fox will change the political landscape in America. All the republicans have is culture wars and foxnews is both their creator and amplifier, getting rid of fox will cut the GOP off at the knees.