Trump To Turn Himself In

My money is on house arrest IF he is convicted of anything.
Maybe for a time, but the time will accumulate. I hope he's left loose to run around like Chucky with a knife inside the GOP while he delays his trials as much as he can. He will be hard on meatball Ron and Mitch wants to put lipstick on the pig before the election. A divided GOP with these pricks running around in a panic in fear of indictment, while fox is in a legal box of their own creation and could be muted or even gone by 24 is desirable. Donald will be of more use publicly freaking out sowing division and chaos in the GOP and fucking up Ron's chances for the nomination. I hope he runs a bull moose from his cell, if he gets inside one and walks his base out of the GOP in spite. :lol:

I think winning an election cycle in 24 and then dealing with the problems using a majority is more important than locking up Donald, no matter how pleasing. Fox's legal problems and the fact they were giving the republicans billions in free advertising for decades is a serious matter, these assholes were making policy in the Trump WH FFS! Winning in 24 means new laws and regulations to make fox's business model illegal or problematic. Regulate cable like broadcast, they regulate phone and internet, so they can do it. Getting rid of fox will change the political landscape in America. All the republicans have is culture wars and foxnews is both their creator and amplifier, getting rid of fox will cut the GOP off at the knees.
Wow, I didn’t realize I was so third world. I don’t have gas service, or sewage or water service for that matter. I have a well and septic system, and heat my house primarily with wood. Guess I just live in a shithole. I didn’t even realize it, thanks for pointing out that only people in big cities count as socialized. I think I’ll stay right we’re I am. Oh, and I’m less than 60 miles from DC.
Same as me. I dont have a well though i use a concrete water tank and catch rain water. Im a 15 minute drive from a city.
This has certainly catapulted Trumps name back into the headlines here. I guess it will help him in the forthcoming elections if he gets the nomination. Especially if the Teflon Don stays coated.
This has certainly catapulted Trumps name back into the headlines here. I guess it will help him in the forthcoming elections if he gets the nomination. Especially if the Teflon Don stays coated.

It's reminded everyone of how much he's hated. They (the people) of Ohio train derailment, kicked his ass out and threw his Trump water behind him.

That's why you have to be country local to know many of these things..but thank you for popping by to spread Kiwi cheer.

Did you see Cate at the BAFTA Awards? It was a total Australian Delegation. She wore a dress made of pearls from there; the men had on those really cool Aussie Men wide brim cowboy hats.

I love Blanchett..did you see TAR? She was robbed at the Academy Awards..there's a reason horror no matter how good ever gets a nomination same has held true for CGI; in TAR Todd Field wrote this for Blanchett. If she wouldn't do it, it was for no one else. She was in every single frame and the only thing that carried her was her acting- no CGI involved such as Yeoh's Everything, Everywhere.
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Having a Sunday night puff.
Seriously, it's time the question of Donald's fate is addressed, house arrest or a cell with reduced secret service costs? It looks like he will accumulate time starting in NY and then in Georgia and finally federally. Equality under the law begins in court and might end there too, if Donald gets a gilded cage.

They have Club Feds now that they didn't have in Capone's time..people aged 76 get sent to jail. Madoff was 71, a man similar to Trumps station in life. Weinstein 70. Although Madoff turned himself in they have to be tried and all takes time.

There's no jail age limit.
They have Club Feds now that they didn't have in Capone's time..people aged 76 get sent to jail. Madoff was 71, a man similar to Trumps station in life. Weinstein 70. Although Madoff turned himself in they have to be tried and all takes time.

There's no jail age limit.
The only reason Donald would end up in a maximum-security prison is because of the threat his large following of armed domestic terrorists poses. Staff safety must be considered, and a terrorist attack anticipated wherever Donald is incarcerated, if they would try to overthrow the government for him, they would try to bust him out of prison. These are not rational actors, and some are not playing with a full deck, but they are all armed to the teeth though. If one considers death threats to public officials a terrorist act, then Trump is responsible for thousands of terrorist acts in America.
It's reminded everyone of how much he's hated. They (the people) of Ohio train derailment, kicked his ass out and threw his Trump water behind him.

That's why you have to be country local to know many of these things..but thank you for popping by to spread Kiwi cheer.

Did you see Cate at the BAFTA Awards? It was a total Australian Delegation. She wore a dress made of pearls from there; the men had on those really cool Aussie Men wide brim cowboy hats.

I love Blanchett..did you see TAR? She was robbed at the Academy Awards..there's a reason horror no matter how good ever gets a nomination same has held true for CGI; in TAR Todd Field wrote this for Blanchett. If she wouldn't do it, it was for no one else. She was in every single frame and the only thing that carried her was her acting- no CGI involved such as Yeoh's Everything, Everywhere.
Words i do not know the meaning of in this paragraph...
Cate, BAFTA, Blanchett, TAR, TAR Todd Field wrote this for Blanchett, Yeoh....
None of those terms seem to have anything to do with trump turning himself in, or him getting prosecuted.
Residents of East Palestine, Ohio have said it's "absurd" and "ridiculous" to blame Donald Trump for a train derailment in their town that precipitated a toxic spill, after the Secretary of Transportation appeared to insinuate the former president's administration had contributed to the incident.
They have Club Feds now that they didn't have in Capone's time..people aged 76 get sent to jail. Madoff was 71, a man similar to Trumps station in life. Weinstein 70. Although Madoff turned himself in they have to be tried and all takes time.

There's no jail age limit.
no, but they do have to keep providing him with SS protection as far as i know, and they won't ever put him in an actual prison.
The highest likelihood is house arrest in some remote location, with his rotating SS detail acting as guards. There is NO precedent for jailing a former president, so this is ALL supposition...This entire thread is supposition...Until he is actually charged with something, there is nothing to turn himself in for. He cannot set the schedule, no matter how much he wants to be in charge. Bragg will decide when AND if to charge trump, and Bragg will decide when to collect him, if and when he is charged.
Residents of East Palestine, Ohio have said it's "absurd" and "ridiculous" to blame Donald Trump for a train derailment in their town that precipitated a toxic spill, after the Secretary of Transportation appeared to insinuate the former president's administration had contributed to the incident.
Wrong thread, Gary.
I dont think house arrest is appropriate. So what...he gets to just hang out at a golf resort surrounded by his adoring weirdo fans. Fuck that. He tried to overthrow the government. Guy deserves the death penalty. He took his shot and missed, had he won he would get to be dictator or whatever...he didn't though, so I think he deserves death. Stick his stupid ass in solitary if they don't have the stones to kill him.

Edit: house arrest is fine for the hush money thing, don't care much about it and don't see it as that big of a deal in relation to the rest of what he is accused with.
I dont think house arrest is appropriate. So what...he gets to just hang out at a golf resort surrounded by his adoring weirdo fans. Fuck that. He tried to overthrow the government. Guy deserves the death penalty. He took his shot and missed, had he won he would get to be dictator or whatever...he didn't though, so I think he deserves death. Stick his stupid ass in solitary if they don't have the stones to kill him.

Edit: house arrest is fine for the hush money thing, don't care much about it and don't see it as that big of a deal in relation to the rest of what he is accused with.
no, he gets a small house, no access to the press, no ability to post messages to any social platforms, no unmonitored communications with anyone, no unplanned, unapproved visitors, planned prepackaged meals, if he has a health issue, he goes to the closest prison hospital...
No one wants this fucking magat maker in prison, he would be doing nothing but running his fucking mouth nonstop, reinforcing all the things that put most of his fan club in prison to begin with. Don't make your enemy a martyr for his followers to continue to adore, make him a broken, powerless, useless old man.
It’s not but he’s never gonna be in prison, unfortunately.
By what legal mechanism would he avoid it? Only Garland or the director of the department of prisons can alter Donald's federal incarceration from what would normally happen for these crimes. Other than isolating him and making provisions for the SS, I don't see house arrest in his future. Then there are the state charges, and, in each state, it is a state official who makes the call as to where Donald does his time. The feds might supersede everything, but he could be doing state time until they do. There is no provision in the law for Ex presidents, they are just like anybody else, it's just tradition and Donald shit on that. His crimes are serious enough to warrant life in prison and wherever he goes there will be a domestic terrorist threat from his fans,
no, he gets a small house, no access to the press, no ability to post messages to any social platforms, no unmonitored communications with anyone, no unplanned, unapproved visitors, planned prepackaged meals, if he has a health issue, he goes to the closest prison hospital...
No one wants this fucking magat maker in prison, he would be doing nothing but running his fucking mouth nonstop, reinforcing all the things that put most of his fan club in prison to begin with. Don't make your enemy a martyr for his followers to continue to adore, make him a broken, powerless, useless old man.
I'm hoping eventually the magats have a "free Donald" camp and permanent protest outside the gates of the supermax in Colorado until he croaks.