Trump to Barr: Make Noise!! Barr: Federal Death Penalty!!!

every one of them is a volunteer....California couldn't afford to pay that many real firefighters. Inmate firefighters save California Billions of $$$ each year in labor and fire damage costs.
And lives. Like jj said 1000 inmate firefighters and that includes about 300-400 female firefighters. Like he said they are volunteers, a day worked is a day off their sentence, they have the training and the experience they gain every year. If any of these guys are exceptional at their job, once they get off parole they can interview to be hired by CAL FIRE. A couple years ago I met a CAL FIRE Battalion Chief who was an inmate 25-years prior. With all this extra help fighting fires during fire season, you still see fire trucks on the freeway coming to help out from Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon and Nevada. So it’s a good thing. The Prison I retired from had a fire station with inmate firefighters and one day our vanpool was going home west on i10 and there was a SUV that rolled over and inmate firefighters were pulling out bodies and performing CPR and other life saving measures. Anyone in or near this state, a few years ago, might remember i10 east washing out due to flash flooding and one of the bridge overpasses collapsed. A C/O buddy of mine drove right over it on his way home. A 20-30 foot drop, broken legs and both hips shattered...inmate firefighters repelled down into the rushing water and got him out.
i have to look up if we do that in CO as far as prison firefighters. i would imagine so but i'm not sure.

i still don't understand why instead of buying a few F15 fighters the gov't doesn't just retrofit about 30 old 747's into firefighting craft. could you imagine a steady fleet of those things all day long against a fire?
You guys needed inmate firefighters a few years ago when those firefighters died. That was a bad fire and I remember help coming from a lot of different states. I don’t know of any other state besides California that do this.
i still don't understand why instead of buying a few F15 fighters the gov't doesn't just retrofit about 30 old 747's into firefighting craft
Because there is no lobby buying politicians and pressuring campaigns to equip a fleet of firefighting aircraft while there's a multibillion dollar lobby to ensure we keep spending money on things we don't need so that weapons manufacturers continue to get paid
Because there is no lobby buying politicians and pressuring campaigns to equip a fleet of firefighting aircraft while there's a multibillion dollar lobby to ensure we keep spending money on things we don't need so that weapons manufacturers continue to get paid
So you're saying that if I vote for Barnie, he'll get at least a few 747s retrofitted? He's Sanders(I) and doesn't play by the same rules by voting to fund the military, right?
Then time gets added to their sentences for refusing an order. If they are lifers, it hurts them the most because when they go to the parole board the write ups show the board members that they aren’t ready for parole due a pattern of negative behavior.
The dumb bitch has never been to jail. 30 days solitary and he’ll go back to work out in the sunshine.
So just to clarify, are you actually advocating for slavery? Or a Soviet style gulag?

Also, the original example given was in place of the death penalty, that the criminals should be subject to life in hard labor. So most of these people will never see parole boards or care about adding on time.
Try solitary. Only in the movie do they come out defiant.
So you're saying..
No, I'm saying most people don't understand how American politics actually works. You admitted you don't understand why the government just doesn't buy fewer fighter jets and instead retrofit existing aircraft to fight fires in California..


Big hearing on Barr, this Republican keeps hammering on the table to try to distract from his opening statement.
omg omg... Cant stop laughing.

No I love "Dear Leader" more, look I even comb my hair like him now!

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He's like that little girl wearing her hair like Catniss on Hunger Games.