I saw the Mayor this morning on CBS. He was trying to sale that story. The real story is exactly 180 degrees from what they are saying. Joe was the point man for the US in cleaning up corruption there. The guy who got fired was holding up the investigation. Once he was gone, the owner of the company in question was so concerned about the charges, he left the county.Trump is planning spending 10 billion on commercials next week specifically targeting Biden’s dealings in the Ukraine. They are going to be about how Biden was holding 1Billion in aid to The Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor who was investigating his so Hunter. Poised to start airing tomorrow night . I don’t watch TV.
If Biden sticks around, we are going to be hearing about that fake bit of news again and again. It's like the "Bernie was cheated" or "superdelegates", or Benghazi.I saw the Mayor this morning on CBS. He was trying to sale that story. The real story is exactly 180 degrees from what they are saying. Joe was the point man for the US in cleaning up corruption there. The guy who got fired was holding up the investigation. Once he was gone, the owner of the company in question was so concerned about the charges, he left the county.