Trump supporters really hate America


Now this is a story all about how
The world got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you all about the prick with the ridiculous hair

I was to a billionaire, born and raised
In the bankruptcy courts I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin', a fool
And all groping some pussy outside of the school
With a couple of guys who were wearing the hood
I started blaming latins in your neighborhood
I dissed this disabled guy, but nobody cared
They said, “He’s movin on the White House, but we’re still not scared.”

I whistled for a limo and when it came near
The license plate said "Trump" and it had gold in the mirror
If anything I could say this ride was fine
But I thought, "I’ve got billions"
– "I’m elite, it’s all mine."

I pulled up to the White House at 7 or 8
And I yelled at the driver, "Go home, migrant labor."
I looked at my kingdom
With the world in despair
To sit on my throne as the Prick with the hair
Trump supporters fully got behind Trumps "Make America Great gain" slogan. These are the same people who have the blind "love it or leave it" mentality towards the USA. Given those facts, if you belive we need to "Make America Great Again", then, ipso facto, you don't currently believe America is great, and hasn't been for awhile, So you hate America, if you don't think it's Great! Just trying to use your logic processes....

Love it or leave it...:finger:
do they hate america or the american government...........
ohh, so now it's north america not just the usa..................
It was a joke. There's no "America" without our government, they are mutually inclusive, so I don't see how they are considered different entities to be loved/hated individually. What does it mean to love America, but hate its government? I've never understood love the culture, which is a direct result of government laws and regulations, but don't love the system that made the culture? Or you love the idealistic concept of what you think America and its government should be?

Unless you love/hate the actual dirt, rocks, water and ecology of the lands? Then it's the continent of North America you love/hate, not the country. Personally, I love the earth as a whole, when it comes to land masses, it's the cultures and politics I have issues with.
Lol bunch of crybabies, you guys are to much. F the establishment except when my candidate wins. I didn't even vote for Trump, I do not like him but omg the world isn't going to end because of him quit your drama queen act.
Lol bunch of crybabies, you guys are to much. F the establishment except when my candidate wins. I didn't even vote for Trump, I do not like him but omg the world isn't going to end because of him quit your drama queen act.
America is going to sit by & let this happen.....trump is a clown
Someone decorated their vehicle with their political opinion, poorly, and is riding around with flags. How is that destroying America, exactly? I can't tell who the "they" being referred to is in that meme, American citizens? Canadians? Urbanites? Students? Maybe could you clarify that for us?
Maybe you should watch the news....It's OK when you guys grow up( probably never) you will realize you don't always get what you want. And throwing a tantrum isn't going to help, so go ahead and roll around on the floor crying for 4 years instead of getting on with life and enjoying it!
America is going to sit by & let this happen.....trump is a clown
History doesn't repeat, it echos. Trump is not Hitler but he uses the same tactics. Who knows where this will end?

There are records of anti-Nazi protests in the streets in 1933-Germany. Most of the protesters had already been silenced by the brown shirts but they were still organizing boycotts even then. Today, people aren't sitting by. The brown shirts haven't shown up yet, although I'm expecting to see them soon. You plan to fight, my family is already getting involved with protests. In two years time, we'll know which way this is headed. I don't really know right now.
History doesn't repeat, it echos. Trump is not Hitler but he uses the same tactics. Who knows where this will end?

There are records of anti-Nazi protests in the streets in 1933-Germany. Most of the protesters had already been silenced by the brown shirts but they were still organizing boycotts even then. Today, people aren't sitting by. The brown shirts haven't shown up yet, although I'm expecting to see them soon. You plan to fight, my family is already getting involved with protests. In two years time, we'll know which way this is headed. I don't really know right now.
Maybe you should watch the news....It's OK when you guys grow up( probably never) you will realize you don't always get what you want. And throwing a tantrum isn't going to help, so go ahead and roll around on the floor crying for 4 years instead of getting on with life and enjoying it!
Your narrow mindedness shows through when you start automatically grouping me in with, well..... any groups. Your lack of intelligence shows by not making any valid conversational points and just denigrating me with sophomoric insults.

I never said I supported anyone or any side, I hate them both equally. I just made the point that you can't say " Make America Great Again", inferring it isn't currently great, then out of the other side of your month tell someone to shut up when they criticize what they, as an individual, find at fault in the country.

I also pointed out the passive racism in your meme, but I think that went over your head.

Who's the whiney ones that cry when they don't get their way? Both sides.