Trump starts a war with Iran

Had he said he loved the highly educated you trump haters would say trump dislikes the poorly educated. You poor guys have this dude in your head 24 7 analyzing everything he says at every tiny angle. Twisting the words and spinning it into whatever shit your trying to prove.
You are in a cult, it is not our fault you can't find your way out.
Should have left him alone, because now Americans are going to die, not Israelis or Saudis, and this will be because of them & Trump.
And, you don't think the Muslims would have killed Americans anyway? They're really gonna get mad now, eh? We better look out ... LoL.
Hey we've tried everything to get them to lighten up a bit. Obama even tried to bribe them with pallets of cash the likes of which I've only seen pictures of on "Breaking Bad".

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" huh?
That's actually a quote right out of the Koran ... are you Muslim?
Lol wonder if anyone will actually post any credible facts besides propaganda overhyped bullshit. If it was actually proven trump did half of what some of you are saying he would be under the jail.
And, you don't think the Muslims would have killed Americans anyway? They're really gonna get mad now, eh? We better look out ... LoL.
Hey we've tried everything to get them to lighten up a bit. Obama even tried to bribe them with pallets of cash the likes of which I've only seen pictures of on "Breaking Bad".

That's actually a quote right out of the Koran ... are you Muslim?
That was actually their money and the worst terrorists in the world are white Christians

white Christians did the holocaust, the genocide of the natives, and chattel slavery

White Christians are the worst
Lol wonder if anyone will actually post any credible facts besides propaganda overhyped bullshit. If it was actually proven trump did half of what some of you are saying he would be under the jail.
Trump is the result of gerrymandering. If the correct proportions of people were correctly represented, Congress wouldn't have covered his ass for 2 years. He would be in jail.
They are not but when an iranian General is in Iraq orchestrating attacks on an embassy and americans he's gotta go. This wasn't an attack in iran as some of you are making out to be. You don't even have to know all the details to know that general was a scumbag murderer.
Iran isn't a threat to the US. We do agree on this.
@Heisengrow Heisenseeds Heisenbeans please stop saturating your weed in Eagle 20
Your wife is clearly suffering from cerebral hypoxia

Lol wonder if anyone will actually post any credible facts besides propaganda overhyped bullshit. If it was actually proven trump did half of what some of you are saying he would be under the jail.
Screen Shot 2020-01-06 at 6.20.19 PM.png

Sound familiar? Trump is fucked when he is no longer POTUS.
He was a soldier who fought to defend his country from Iraq, Israel & the US, sorta like what Washington did against GB in 1776.
Was Washington a terrorist or a freedom fighter?
I didn't like the guy, but I understood his motivations which were basically the survival of Iran
Should have left him alone, because now Americans are going to die, not Israelis or Saudis, and this will be because of them & Trump.
Will it be worth the cost?
Somehow I feel the answer will be no.
He was a soldier and a terrorist. He used sectarian violence for political gain, had suicide bombers attack busy road intersections and mosques. He created chaos so that Iran could gain control of Iraq and persecute Kurds just as they do inside of Iran. It went far beyond defense and the survival of Iran. He used the most despicable and cowardly of tactics to expand Iranian borders and caused the deaths of far more Sunni Muslims than American troops. He was very much like Saddam Hussein, only he was Shiite whereas Hussein was Sunni and Baathist. The only sort of leader who can control Iraq, it would seem, is a brutal dictator and strongman.

No, you're wrong. American troops may die in small numbers or maybe even in the hundreds per year in Iraq, but Muslims will continue to die at an alarming rate, tens or even hundreds of thousands per year. Shia and Wahabi alike, but especially the Kurds. That is who will die.