Trump starts a war with Iran

I dunno, I imagine the gas prices will peak just because of a flareup; but, we have done this before. Every president since Kennedy has had to kick a little ass somewhere. The world got through it somehow.
Speaking of Kennedy ... remember that October when he told the second most powerful nuclear country in the world that if they sent ships beyond our blockade, he'd sink em? And Kruschiev went to the UN and pounded his shoe on the podium and screamed "we will bury you"? What a circus.
What Kennedy did was against international law, but he said he didn't GAF and that this is just the way it's going to be so sue me. Kinda Trumpesque?
And it changed history.
Sometimes a country, or a person, has to draw a line. But we have to be careful, because once drawn, you can't blink. If you draw the line, you have to defend it. And that's something that American politicians have forgotten. Guts.
Well, Trump is not a politician.

We'll see how it turns out. It's done.
So your comparing the build up of nuclear arms by a world superpower 90 miles off your shore in 1962 to the killing of “one” private contractor? That’s exactly what started this bullshit. Your right it seems you dunno. You really need to put this all in to prospective. Your man Trump ran on the platform of getting the fuck out of there and you guys bought it. Now he is trying to extort money to stay and your buying into that. 290F2097-D044-4A02-AD9B-882E11FA1CDB.jpeg
How the fuck could you be so fucking gullible not to see what a total piece of decaying, rotten, putrid shit he is. Remember when he said liked the dumb ones that got him elected? Not once have you acknowledged that little revelation. Please tell us why he likes the dumb ones that got him elected so I can stop calling you dumb.
I am pro American, all the way. But I do not wish the Iranian people any harm. And I have a really hard time trusting Trump's intentions not being for Putin's benefit at the cost of America's. I am naive when it comes to a lot of foreign issues, but I can't believe that Iran doesn't want nuclear power plants, or that the science should not be able to be conducted because we say so. There is a lot that can be done before enriching to the 91% or whatever it needs to be to develop nuclear weapons.

Assassinating a high ranking general, an official of a government is not the same as taking out a terrorist. And now is this how he does things? Just take out government officials of other countries without congressional approval, and we have to trust that this ends well and he has a plan? Fuck that.
you didn't answer my question...why are we upset about trump doing what Obama did for 8 years? the only two differences are that Obama never took out anyone quite as high profile ....and that it's trump doing it, and not which of these two things are we supposed to be upset about now, when we spent 8 years not being upset about it while Obama was carrying out "targeted killings"....?
i don't like hypocrites, and i don't want to be one, and this feels dangerously close to hypocrisy to someone please explain to me in clear concise terms why it's ok for Obama to have done this for 8 years, but not ok for trump to do.
i have no problems condemning trump for almost anything he does, because practically everything he does is fucking stupid, evil, or both..., but if it's evil for trump to do, why wasn't anyone jumping up and down and calling out Obama for doing the same shit, and more of it?
Iran pulling out of nuclear deal commitment after U.S. strike that killed Soleimani .... Thanks to the orange fucktard .

State TV reported Iran will no longer restrict uranium enrichment, part of the 2015 deal limiting the country's nuclear program in exchange for easing sanctions.....

Welcome to the terror dome ....

Iran said Sunday that it was ending its commitment to limit enrichment of uranium as part of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, more fallout from the U.S. strike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the deal in May 2018, renewing tensions between the two countries that reached new heights after Friday’s air strike. Many believe that this will open the floodgates to resurface terrorist efforts against any and all u.s. interests. Thanks to the president , many feel the threats if dirty bombs , backpack nukes and even biological devices could be a REAL danger.

The agreement placed limits on Tehran’s uranium enrichment, the amount of stockpiled enriched uranium as well as research and development in its nuclear activities...... well not anymore.

America’s European allies have attempted to salvage the deal despite Trump’s decision to withdraw and reimpose sanctions, but Iran has gradually reduced its commitments and now leaves the deal in tatters.

The country’s foreign ministry said earlier Sunday that recent events meant it would take an even bigger step away from the deal than initially planned.

Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif confirmed the news on Twitter, stating that there "will no longer be any restriction on number of centrifuges."

Western governments had long feared Iran's atomic program could allow it to build nuclear weapons. Iran has always maintained its program is for peaceful purposes.

Under terms of the deal, Iran could keep a stockpile of no more than 660 pounds of low-enriched uranium. That's compared to the 22,046 pounds of higher-enriched uranium it once had.

they weren't restricting SHIT before this, they were just hiding it...they're fucking terrorist liars
So funny... when Obama was attacking more countries than both Bushs combined, you all were cheering him and loving how many innocents he was killing.
Do you have a "born to lie" tattoo?

Obama started how many wars again?

you didn't answer my question...why are we upset about trump doing what Obama did for 8 years? the only two differences are that Obama never took out anyone quite as high profile ....and that it's trump doing it, and not which of these two things are we supposed to be upset about now, when we spent 8 years not being upset about it while Obama was carrying out "targeted killings"....?
i don't like hypocrites, and i don't want to be one, and this feels dangerously close to hypocrisy to someone please explain to me in clear concise terms why it's ok for Obama to have done this for 8 years, but not ok for trump to do.
i have no problems condemning trump for almost anything he does, because practically everything he does is fucking stupid, evil, or both..., but if it's evil for trump to do, why wasn't anyone jumping up and down and calling out Obama for doing the same shit, and more of it?
I don't know, this might be the right thing to do, but he did not tell congress, and actually said that he didn't tell them because of the same reason he didn't tell Iran, insinuating that he is at war with our own elected officials.

But what I don't think is the same, and why my answer to your question is no, it is not, is that this was a public official of another country that was targeted and it should have been cleared first because it was an act of war on another government. Taking out this guy is not the issue necessarily, it is that Trump thinks he is king and can pull whatever he wants when he wants and everyone else needs to fall in line, he isn't and they don't.

The fact that I don't trust the reasons he gave at all, and find it kind of terrifying that he could be doing this on Putin's orders, is not why I say this. It is because we have checks and balances in our government that keep us more safe and secure from would be kings like Trump, and he has systematically been wiping his ass with them.

they weren't restricting SHIT before this, they were just hiding it...they're fucking terrorist liars
They were following it right up to when Trump ripped the carpet out from under the world by pulling us out of the deal that Obama set up so that they would not go to war for at least 10 years. Trump expecting them to follow it while trying to start a war with them with his sanction war, that has now escalated to him saying he is going to commit warcrimes by bombing their cultural centers as a threat to his assassinating their high ranking public official because a base got attacked in Iraq.

But fuck it, it doesn't matter, it is done and we have to live with the consequences of our actions. From allowing Trump becoming POTUS, to whatever he does next. Comey should have just arrested Trump when they found out he was getting Russian help in the election, the Republicans would have spent their 2 years trying to destroy Hillary Clinton's term, so who knows where it would have gone then, but it doesn't matter, because it didn't happen.
you didn't answer my question...why are we upset about trump doing what Obama did for 8 years? the only two differences are that Obama never took out anyone quite as high profile ....and that it's trump doing it, and not which of these two things are we supposed to be upset about now, when we spent 8 years not being upset about it while Obama was carrying out "targeted killings"....?
i don't like hypocrites, and i don't want to be one, and this feels dangerously close to hypocrisy to someone please explain to me in clear concise terms why it's ok for Obama to have done this for 8 years, but not ok for trump to do.
i have no problems condemning trump for almost anything he does, because practically everything he does is fucking stupid, evil, or both..., but if it's evil for trump to do, why wasn't anyone jumping up and down and calling out Obama for doing the same shit, and more of it?
Ww3, is that concise enough?
I don't know, this might be the right thing to do, but he did not tell congress, and actually said that he didn't tell them because of the same reason he didn't tell Iran, insinuating that he is at war with our own elected officials.

But what I don't think is the same, and why my answer to your question is no, it is not, is that this was a public official of another country that was targeted and it should have been cleared first because it was an act of war on another government. Taking out this guy is not the issue necessarily, it is that Trump thinks he is king and can pull whatever he wants when he wants and everyone else needs to fall in line, he isn't and they don't.

The fact that I don't trust the reasons he gave at all, and find it kind of terrifying that he could be doing this on Putin's orders, is not why I say this. It is because we have checks and balances in our government that keep us more safe and secure from would be kings like Trump, and he has systematically been wiping his ass with them.

They were following it right up to when Trump ripped the carpet out from under the world by pulling us out of the deal that Obama set up so that they would not go to war for at least 10 years. Trump expecting them to follow it while trying to start a war with them with his sanction war, that has now escalated to him saying he is going to commit warcrimes by bombing their cultural centers as a threat to his assassinating their high ranking public official because a base got attacked in Iraq.

But fuck it, it doesn't matter, it is done and we have to live with the consequences of our actions. From allowing Trump becoming POTUS, to whatever he does next. Comey should have just arrested Trump when they found out he was getting Russian help in the election, the Republicans would have spent their 2 years trying to destroy Hillary Clinton's term, so who knows where it would have gone then, but it doesn't matter, because it didn't happen.

Any idea how many drone strikes Obama signed off on? How many civilians he killed? But I imagine you only care in one direction.
Any idea how many drone strikes Obama signed off on? How many civilians he killed? But I imagine you only care in one direction.
What the fuck part of a high ranking government official is hard to understand? I know you are all in on Trump (for whatever reason), but seriously this is a different level of attack, he is going to drag us into a war with Iran and you trump cultists are going to 'what about Obama' this too? Maybe this was the right move, but he needs to read people in who are also decision makers, aside from Putin (who he talked with a couple days before this).

Wake the fuck up man, you don't seem to post enough to be a foreign troll, but I could be wrong, if you are an American it should at the very least bother you that he has kicked a hornets nest here, got China and Russia doing war preparations with Iran, has North Korea testing shit even though he told us it was fixed, has basically abandoned South Korea to that mess (which screwed up our influence in the region), got all of our EU allies on thin ice.

Are you ok with his invitation for foreign nations to attack our citizens?
US military announced its suspending anti-ISIS operations in Iraq.
AKA, Trump idiocy got us evicted. Now he will throw a temper tantrum and drive millions of more people into extreme poverty by having a tariff war with Iraq, devastating them and driving them into the hands of Putin and the Chinese.

Destroy fragile Kurd democracy. Check.

Destroy fragile Iraqi democracy. In Progress.

I wonder which countries are next on Putins list.