Trump starts a war with Iran

Not even close. This woman is the poster child for everything you stand for. The term snowflake was invented after college kids needed comfort blankets and safe spaces after the election. They was given excused absences to deal with the fallout. Being a liberal is in style until you start to pay taxes and move out on your own. Than you have kids and a real job.

How much tax do you pay on that illegal income, drug dealer?
you're talking about the "official" government of Iran, and i'm talking about the thousands of terrorists that they already have in place in our country...there are more than half a million iranian immigrants in the u.s., if 1 percent of those immigrants are placed terrorist agents, which doesn't seem like a huge stretch to me, that means there is a unit of 5000 terrorist already here, just waiting to get to work....
what do you think they want? to just show that they "stood up" to us?...i don't think so, i think they want to rain hell down on our heads....i think they want to bomb hospitals, schools, and churches...i think they want to poison water supplies, and destroy expensive infrastructure....i say again, get ready for the first major terrorist attack, and the many that will swiftly follow
If they did it, they would literally start a war with Iran.
One American contractor was killed in a rocket attack last week by who the fuck knows, and the US on orders from Trump assassinated the Iranian general in charge of Iran's Quds forces on the airport in Bagdad, Iraq this morning.
What the fuck?
I thought shit for brains wanted to get out of the ME, but instead he's personally fucked it up so badly you can bet more Americans are going to die.
For what?
Israel & Saudi Arabia, two of the biggest cocksuckers in the ME?
Fucking asshole is going to pay for this one, in the UN & the World Court at least, and at the worst with attacks on American troops, which you can bet your ass will occur.
Impeach this motherfucker NOW, before he destroys the Planet.

I think you might have jumped to an incorrect assumption as events now show.
Actually rollitup updated the forum to xenforo 2.3 after chuckers was already founded genius. If you wanna be technical. They never had the multiple emojis and such. You see that banner on the bottom that says forum software by Xenforo. Lol it cost 250 dollars to remove it. Now you tell me who copied who. It's already been removed from chuckers.
Just stating facts here not picking a fight.
I meant the 700 members of a pot forum vs the 860k on RIU.
Seriously! How fucking stupid could she be too come here and act like that in the name of her husbands business. Boy needs to get control of the situation but I’m assuming he’s as dumb as the she stump.
PS yup as dumb as a stump.
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Some context for ya

Its NOT about who's more American. Its about some Trump lovin asshole disrespecting the Vets here and trying to school everyone about the wars the in ME....completely oblivious to the fact that some have kids that are currently active duty while others have kids with MOS in these very regions.
A lot of other Vets that post here too @doublejj @whitebb2727 @Olive Drab Green

This is just a couple of snips from the last few pages. Her posting history is full of this nonsense.
She's a stupid twat.
But, there is a solution to her woes.....
View attachment 4451706
Real talk.
We have a dotard impotus, who claims the declaration of war in Iraq 20ish years ago gives him reason to take out a top general. Which maybe causes a plane to be shot down? maga
Lindsey Graham was just shown in a interview where he said something utterly fantastic that I can't wait for it to get posted, something about the 'magical' way they got the intelligence that led Trump to assassinate Iran's general.
Lindsey Graham was just shown in a interview where he said something utterly fantastic that I can't wait for it to get posted, something about the 'magical' way they got the intelligence that led Trump to assassinate Iran's general.
Probably from the same folks that gave us the Trump dossier.