Trump starts a war with Iran

But assuming, for argument's sake, that you were a retarded president...

er-- sorry, I meant stable genius

We are still waiting for your foreign affairs expertise and opinion on that question. As of yet, it is unanswered by a self proclaimed authority "abandonconflict"

Your trolling is having 0 effect.

edit: I will continue our conversation in a lil bit. Going out for a little bit even though this has been very enjoyable.
I'm clearly winning our discussion since you have not yet replied to the question I posed to you about what you would have done differently in his situation that our country is currently in today. It is impossible for you to admit that the latest move (his speech) was a good move considering it moved us away from striking directly at Iran and causing a full-scale war.

You can continue driving us in circles. I enjoy assisting you make yourself look smaller in the eyes of others.
I haven't said I support Trump as a person a single time. Please read the entire conversation. The issue was beginning name calling in an adult conversation in the first place, not the PC of the statement or the insensitivity. That part I don't care about.
What I don't care about is Trump supporters whether or not they admit it.
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I'm clearly winning our discussion since you have not yet replied to the question I posed to you about what you would have done differently in his situation that our country is currently in today. It is impossible for you to admit that the latest move (his speech) was a good move considering it moved us away from striking directly at Iran and causing a full-scale war.

You can continue driving us in circles. I enjoy assisting you make yourself look smaller in the eyes of others.
Yea. You're winning, like Trump is young and vibrant. lol
You won't win here. These are hard core leftist that hate trump. They said trump wanted a war but he just gave iran another pass on there bullshit. These guys will never give trump credit for anything. Also mods here are all about suppressing the right and let everything they say pass. I've read multiple comments they made that was flat our hateful and derogatory but you better not say 1 thing that's even borderline or they will reply ban you from the thread
No wonder these threads are full of trump haters. Everyone else with an opinion has been axed.
Not everyone is like you enough to buy what everyone else is just because someone balls deep in the Trump cult says what they are.

Didn't you quit like 8 times now?
Didn't you quit like 8 times now?

People of lower intelligence, lesser-educated, narcissistic egomaniacs will never leave when they say they will. Their narcissism literally doesn't allow it.

They are the exact same type of person who will spout rage-quit status updates on Facebook simply to seek attention, but will never, ever remove their account.

Not only that, they will often deny they ever said they would leave, because they, above everything else, must always be right (in their own mind they believe they are).
Unintelligent, narcissistic egomaniacs will never leave when they say they will. Their narcissism literally doesn't allow it.

They are the exact same type of person who will spout rage-quit status updates on Facebook simply to seek attention, but will never, ever remove their account.
Same with Trolls.
Yep, they fall into the narcissist category all the same for sure. They just often have more sociopathic tendencies.


Got to get paid.
At least the man has some nuts instead of obuma bitch ass he just gave them$150 billion to fund all kinds of evil shit. Democrat funded terror good job moron.trump 2024 sick of all the whinning but hurt cry babies.
At least the man has some nuts instead of obuma bitch ass he just gave them$150 billion to fund all kinds of evil shit. Democrat funded terror good job moron.trump 2024 sick of all the whinning but hurt cry babies.
Obama got them to give up their nuclear program without firing a shot

they just bombed us and resumed their nuclear program and took over Iraq and trump did nothing

Trump is a total fucking pussy and cuck