Trump starts a war with Iran

It’s like he’s laughing in your faces and ~50% of USA will still vote for him. I just can’t understand it.

He’s been doing it since day 1 and before.
It’s like he’s laughing in your faces and ~50% of USA will still vote for him. I just can’t understand it.

He’s been doing it since day 1 and before.
Only about 18% really elected him. It was a pretty amazing troll the Russians/Saudis pulled off for Trump, hopefully now that we know what he sleezed his way in, people don't screw around and vote in large enough numbers he can't squeak through again.
You didn't? Did someone hijack your account and hit the laughing emoji on this thread?

I’m just gonna jump out and say get over it, I made the laugh emoji at the main post cause Trump is a fucking joke. I never said this situation was funny.

If you got a problem please continue and I’ll make my stance clear.
I’m just gonna jump out and say get over it, I made the laugh emoji at the main post cause Trump is a fucking joke.

If you got a problem please continue and I’ll make my stance clear.
No need. Jimmys post clearly laid out that Americans were going to die (they will) and you responded.
I never said any words, check you fucking ass clown jump to conclusion americans. I don’t give a flying fuck about your country or politics at all, that’s my stance. Trump supporter, LOL! More like fuck what your whole country stands for bud!

Come on bitch, explanation for WHAT? Call me out!
lol They're like that eh :idea:
No need to read the post
I can GUARANTEE the folks here yappin at you with this without reading
..just from how they have you worked up
WHAT ITS ABOUT ;) :idea:
violence ends violence when you kill them all.....
they're terrorists, supporting and arming other terrorists, working on atomic weapons to use in their terrorist campaign....
no fucking mercy for them.
You forget that other countries signed the nuclear agreement with Iran as well. Trump pulled out, then provoked and attacked, going against his advisors and without any clear plan of action with our allies. He's left us extremely vulnerable.
And make no mistake, its not his kids that will go fight these wars. Its our kids, our neighbors kids, that will be sent home in body bags.
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thin skin.

I'd like to see your explanation but I'm certain you'll just start back tracking and denying your words the moment they are shown to be foolish. You are displaying classic symptoms of a Trump supporter. Or perhaps the callowness of a Bernie bro.
Ya I’m the thin skinned one not the guy who is crying over a fucking emoji
Haaaaaaard core. Just like this tool.
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"You can tell he's a hard-core warrior patriot, ready for the Second Civil War, because he's wearing a shemagh (as seen on teevee), toting a fanny pack full of bottled water, and has a Punisher logo on his tactical headgear."
Oh and I see he brought his assault rifle, oh crap! Sorry I meant hunting rifle because it has no selector switch...... my bad :(.