Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
You know Ali was originally classed as unfit for duty.
His reading, and writing skills were not good enough to follow orders, and the higher ups revised the test, and later reclassified him as 1A/Eligible.
Ali was shafted.
On April 27th, 1967: on this day Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. was drafted into the United States Army at the military induction center in Louisville, Kentucky. Watch The Politics of Muhammad Ali
Three years before, his writing and spelling skills had been considered below par, resulting in a failure to pass the Armed Forces qualifying test. But when those tests were later revised in early 1966, a reclassified score of 1A meant that he was now eligible for the draft.
I respect that he had the courage to speak truth to power and refused to obey orders to kill people who'd never harmed him.
When more people refuse to comply, wars will be less frequent.