Trump loves the Proud Boys

These brainwashed cultists are tricking themselves into thinking whatever it is that they will snowflake most about is reality, when it is not.

This shit is just the next scam for political party that the Republicans are using as a political platform so they don't have to pay taxes to help get 100% of our kids the tools they need to succeed.

And there always has to be a sprinkle of truth to it, or something that "sounds right". Once you have that, you can stack whatever you want on its back to ride along.
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What are the chances on of these idiots from his own gang shot him in the foot? Shot 2021-09-05 at 7.15.17 PM.png

Also looks like they are attacking a lone woman who video's these domestic terrorists. Shot 2021-09-05 at 7.17.34 PM.png
An activist revealed on Twitter that she was chased by a group of Proud Boys this weekend during an anti-vaccine protest.

Alissa Azar, who is known for capturing videos and photos of militia groups on the ground in the Pacific Northwest, said that she was in Olympia, Washington, when she heard one of the Proud Boys shout, "There's Alissa!" and came after her.

A video posted by one of the attackers doesn't show the event, but the audio can be heard where one of the men shouts "Yo, Alissa!" and the moment when Azar screams, then shouts, "get off of me." She tweeted that they pulled her hair, shoved her to the ground, and then bear-maced her. Luckily others came to her aid and pulled her into a bar to help.

Fox News reported that some videos showed Proud Boys member Tusitala "Tiny" Toese being shot in the foot that happened as the right-wing protesters clashed with Antifa. Fox said that they hadn't confirmed the victim was "Tiny," however.

"Tiny got shot in the leg," someone can be heard shouting at one point.

There were unconfirmed reports that he shot himself accidentally.

"Toese was formerly known to be a top lieutenant of Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson, but that group has been less active as Gibson faces a potential felony riot conviction," explained KOIN News.

lol I found a video that of course is out front blaming 'ANTIFA'.

What are the chances on of these idiots from his own gang shot him in the foot? attachment 4980452

Also looks like they are attacking a lone woman who video's these domestic terrorists. attachment 4980453

lol I found a video that of course is out front blaming 'ANTIFA'.

That's how good their aim is. "Go for the foot, it's worked for me." Oops, sorry, brah. My bad.:o
Is it wrong that I consider the Gravy Seals and Proud Boys essentially the same side of the radicalized coin after their little failed insurrection? Shot 2021-10-03 at 7.02.26 AM.png
Hackers claim they have obtained a membership database of the right-wing paramilitary group Oath Keepers and an analysis of the list shows that one alleged member is one of the top officers at the Yuma County Sheriff's Office in Arizona.

"The data, some of which the whistleblower group Distributed Denial of Secrets made available to journalists, includes a file that appears to provide names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of almost 40,000 members. A search of that list revealed more than 200 people who identified themselves as active or retired law enforcement officers when signing up. USA TODAY confirmed 20 of them are still serving, from Alabama to California. Another 20 have retired since joining the Oath Keepers," the newspaper reported.

Members of the group have been charged with conspiracy for the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The newspaper interviewed Major Eben Bratcher of the Yuma Sheriff's Department.

"I may have signed up many years ago but do not recall any specifics," Bratcher said. "I do know that I unsubscribed some time ago due to the sheer volume of email I received."

The newspaper, however, noted the message Bratcher allegedly added.

"We have 85 sworn officers and Border (of) Mexico on the South and California on the West. I've already introduced your web site to dozens of my Deputies," he allegedly wrote.

The department's website says Bratcher joined the department in 1993.

"Bratcher quickly promoted through the ranks of Corporal, Sergeant, Watch Commander, Lieutenant and Captain," the department explained. "In January 2021, Bratcher was promoted to the rank of Major and assumed the position of Chief of Operations for Sheriff Wilmot. As Chief of Operations, Major Bratcher oversees all operations of the Sheriff's Office."
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In the mosaic of moments that made up the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, it has long been one of the most intriguing: As a pro-Trump mob grew in size and anger, a man in a MAGA hat briefly spoke outside the building with the Proud Boys leader Joseph Biggs.

Minutes later, the man, Ryan Samsel, walked to the front of the crowd, turned his hat backward and started to shove aggressively at a barricade. As others joined him, the barricade fell, knocking down a police officer and arguably setting off the ensuing riot.

While the encounter between Mr. Biggs and Mr. Samsel was caught on video and is often thought of as a tipping point in the Capitol attack, little has been known about what the two men said to each other.

For months, however, according to three people familiar with the matter, the government has known Mr. Samsel’s account of the exchange:
He has told investigators that Mr. Biggs encouraged him to push at the barricades and that when he hesitated, the Proud Boys leader flashed a gun, questioned his manhood and repeated his demand to move upfront and challenge the police.

Mr. Samsel’s version of events was provided to the government in late January, when he was interviewed by the F.B.I., without a lawyer present, shortly after his arrest in Pennsylvania, according to the people familiar with the matter. He has since been charged with several crimes, including assaulting an officer and obstructing Congress’s efforts to certify the election results.

It is not clear whether the F.B.I. views Mr. Samsel as credible at this point or whether the Justice Department intends to use his information in its case against Mr. Biggs.

A former airborne soldier who has helped organize several Proud Boys rallies in recent years, Mr. Biggs has been charged with conspiring with other leaders of the far-right group to march a mob of members toward — then into — the Capitol that day. He has not been charged with any gun crimes, and prosecutors never mentioned the accusation that he was carrying a weapon during the extensive arguments that preceded a judge denying him bail.

J. Daniel Hull, Mr. Biggs’s lawyer, denied that his client was armed on Jan. 6 or that he sought to encourage Mr. Samsel to confront the police, calling it a “desperate, if wildly entertaining, false history.”

“Not even the likes of the Biden Justice Department would buy into and spin a tall tale like that,” Mr. Hull said.

The New York Times reviewed two different versions of the video of the meeting, but the footage is brief and occasionally obscured by obstructions like a passer-by and a flag, making it impossible to conclusively confirm or deny Mr. Samsel’s account.

In its public filings, the government has never explicitly mentioned the video footage of the encounter between Mr. Biggs and Mr. Samsel, who appears to have no ties to the Proud Boys. Prosecutors have in fact left only meager hints about possible connections between the men, noting in court papers this spring that they were both in the same part of the crowd outside the Capitol.

But if Mr. Samsel’s account is true, it could serve to bolster arguments that some Proud Boys leaders intentionally incited ordinary people in the crowd — or what they refer to as “normies” — to commit violence during the attack. The government has offered other evidence, drawn from the group’s internal messaging chats, that two Proud Boys leaders from Philadelphia were excited by the prospect of “riling up the normies” on Jan. 6.

The vast investigation into the Capitol attack has so far led to 630 federal arrests and nearly 100 guilty pleas. The conspiracy charges against Mr. Biggs and 16 other Proud Boys are some of the most prominent allegations that the Justice Department has made.

Mr. Biggs, who lives in Florida, was the first of four Proud Boys leaders to be arrested in connection with the Capitol attack. The internal chats suggest that he was in communication with the group’s chairman, Enrique Tarrio, on the night before the assault.

Mr. Tarrio himself was not in Washington that day, having been ordered by a local judge to stay away from the city after his arrest days earlier on charges of illegally possessing ammunition magazines and burning a Black Lives Matter banner after a pro-Trump rally in December. He is currently serving a five-month sentence on the charges.

Before joining the Proud Boys, Mr. Biggs was, among other things, a correspondent for Infowars, the conspiracy-minded media company run by Alex Jones. He has remained close to Mr. Jones, who was also at the Capitol on Jan. 6 with his right-hand man, Owen Shroyer, who has been arrested on charges of illegally entering a restricted area outside the building. Mr. Jones has not been charged in connection with the riot even though he was standing near Mr. Shroyer.

The government has not yet secured Mr. Samsel’s cooperation in its investigation of Mr. Biggs, for reasons that remain unclear.

Mr. Samsel has been in custody since his arrest and has a history of violent behavior, prosecutors say, which could damage his credibility as a potential government witness. He has been convicted, for example, of crimes such as beating up his pregnant girlfriend and running a woman who owed him money off the road in his car.

Not long after he was jailed in connection with the Capitol riot, Mr. Samsel claimed a correctional officer assaulted him in a Washington jail, leaving him with a broken nose, a dislocated jaw and the loss of sight in his right eye. The fallout from the assault could also make it difficult for prosecutors to consider using his testimony.

His lawyer, Stanley Woodward, declined to comment on the case. Shot 2021-10-19 at 6.29.11 AM.png
The Proud Boys had another rally in California over the weekend, and a telling moment was clipped and shared by Ron Filipkowski, a lawyer turned chronicler of the far-right. One speaker, armed with a bullhorn, pointed to a group of Proud Boys and declared, they "got some single real men over here looking for some housewives." The men in the clip then joined together for a photo, flashing the "OK" symbol that has been appropriated as a way for white supremacists to signal each otherwhile also — always — trolling the left.

In the space of a minute, it was a perfect illustration of the two-step process that the far-right has used for years now to recruit new followers: First, bait insecure men with fantasies of female submission. Once they're in, recruit them to white supremacy.

The misogyny-to-white-supremacy pipeline has long been well-documented, but in the past year and a half — with the rise of QAnon and the anti-vaccine movement, both perceived as more female-friendly than groups like the Proud Boys — the centrality of misogyny to authoritarian recruitment has faded somewhat from the discourse. Recent events, however, have been a strong reminder of how crucial gender anxiety is to far-right recruitment.

Authoritarians prey on insecure men, feeding them a story of how all their gnawing self-doubts can be silenced by embracing an unapologetically male chauvinist attitude. They recruit such men with a fairy tale about how the modern world is scary and confusing. The solution, they say, is to return to rigid, unforgiving gender roles that just so happen to value straight, cis men above all other people.

Last week, Fox News host Tucker Carlson — who has perfected the art of trolling as a far-right recruitment strategy — managed to get some juicy bait out there, by sneering at Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for taking paternity leave. Buttigieg, who is the first out gay man to be a Cabinet secretary, recently adopted a pair of twins with his husband. Carlson didn't hesitate from being a real pig about it, wondering if Buttigieg was "trying to figure out how to breastfeed."

As feminist writer Jessica Valenti noted in her newsletter, in the past, Carlson has done segments of his show denouncing "fatherless" homes and claiming children brought up in them are "poor, uneducated and have disciplinary problems." But now he, a father of four, is making fun of men who actually want to be present in their children's lives. "Are fathers necessary for stable families and children, or is spending time with your kid a sign of weakness and something to be laughed at?" Valenti asks.

What this dissonance reveals, of course, is all the hand-wringing about "fatherlessness" is just a feint. After all, many divorced or separated fathers are deeply involved with their children's lives. No, as the Proud Boys rally this weekend showed, what's really at stake is anger at women for rejecting subservience. Single mothers, same-sex marriages, and egalitarian marriages all show that there's nothing inevitable about male-dominated marriage. That threatens men who are attracted to the dominance fantasy of traditional marriage to silence their own nagging sense of inadequacy.

It's not just Carlson and the Proud Boys who have figured out how to monetize male mediocrity and fragility.

Podcaster Joe Rogan has made a mint off of appealing to the sea of men who want an easy boost to their self-esteem through chauvinistic chest-thumping, rather than developing real skills and a personality. Rogan can be a little more subtle than Carlson about it, but ultimately, they're playing on the same set of anxieties and insecurities in American men, and prescribing the same toxic masculinity as a supposed cure.

In Rogan, it's easy to see, for instance, how refusal to get the COVID-19 vaccine got encoded for the fragile masculinity set as a way to "prove" their manly bona fides. He falsely claimed that "healthy" men who are "exercising all the time" don't need the vaccine. He repeatedly suggested that vaccine mandates were somehow an assault on freedom, rather than what they are: a common sense health measure that helps free everyone from far more miserable pandemic restrictions. Taken together, it paints a picture of vaccination as the behavior of supposedly weak men. Unsurprisingly, then, Rogan ended up with COVID-19 and had to admit that he had kept finding excuses to put off getting a vaccine he had routinely insinuated was emasculating.

Carlson went after a gay man with a breastfeeding joke. Rogan's preferred target for exercising his gender anxieties is all too often trans people.

Rogan has repeatedly used his show to make fun of trans people, paint being trans as a perversity, and elevate anti-trans bigots as somehow experts on the subject. Now that comedian Dave Chappelle has joined in making being transphobic a point of pride, unsurprisingly, he and Rogan are going on tour together. The obsession with trans people isn't just gross, it's a little confusing. Why do these cis men care so much about the lives of trans people who have nothing to do with them?

The ugly truth is that trans people, because they're a small and misunderstood minority, just feel like an easy punching bag for these insecure men to take their gender anxieties out on. The very existence of trans people is a reminder that gender — and therefore gender hierarchy — is a social construct, and therefore can be analyzed, criticized, and even changed. Or, as in that famous 2019 rant from a One America News Network host, transgender penguins are a threat to the "family unit" and everything conservatives hold dear.

For men who rely heavily on their belief in male superiority to bolster their self-esteem, the realization that gender is socially constructed is a distressing thought, and they take their rage about that out on trans people.

The irony is that no one proves the truth of gender's social construction more than the men who flock to Carlson and Rogan's show or join groups like the Proud Boys. None of them clearly feels confident that manhood is much of a biological, irrefutable fact that they claim it is. Instead, they are constantly trying to "prove" it, from demanding female submission to bashing trans people to refusing a vaccine. If masculinity isn't a social construct, then one wouldn't need to put so much work into socially constructing it.

It's funny to laugh at the deep-set insecurities that drive this kind of behavior. However, it's a problem for the entire country and one that's getting worse, not better. The people marshaling all this silly male angst aren't just making money from it. They're building an authoritarian political movement, one that is backing Donald Trump, the perfect avatar for inadequate men who think being a sexist bully somehow makes you a "real" man.
When I read this early this morning it started me thinking about something my wife and I recently discussed.

Recently I had a truck driver come in and spout rage about the new "anti-stealthing" law in CA. A few days later I asked him to explain his rage. "They shouldn't have to pass a law against this" he said. Now I know he didn't say it because 'of course it should have already been a crime' so I was confused and asked what he meant. He made some comment about how far society has fallen - then he pivoted (big surprise). He then went on about the amicus brief that a bunch of female athletes filed about Texas' abortion restrictions: "if these athletes are so disciplined, they should be able to keep their legs closed!"

I just sat there with my mouth hanging open - speechless. What about the men, I wondered, you can't get pregnant without one, so why don't they have any blame for their craven sexual desires? But I didn't say anything as I was so agog.

So I came home and asked my wife about it. I really didn't understand whatever fucked up motivation this clown had.

She gave me her insight. She said that they want women who they can control and when they see one that they cannot control, they seek to pass laws to control them.

After reading this article it confirmed her take on it. I am kicking myself for not having seen this before - now it seems fucking obvious.
When I read this early this morning it started me thinking about something my wife and I recently discussed.

Recently I had a truck driver come in and spout rage about the new "anti-stealthing" law in CA. A few days later I asked him to explain his rage. "They shouldn't have to pass a law against this" he said. Now I know he didn't say it because 'of course it should have already been a crime' so I was confused and asked what he meant. He made some comment about how far society has fallen - then he pivoted (big surprise). He then went on about the amicus brief that a bunch of female athletes filed about Texas' abortion restrictions: "if these athletes are so disciplined, they should be able to keep their legs closed!"

I just sat there with my mouth hanging open - speechless. What about the men, I wondered, you can't get pregnant without one, so why don't they have any blame for their craven sexual desires? But I didn't say anything as I was so agog.

So I came home and asked my wife about it. I really didn't understand whatever fucked up motivation this clown had.

She gave me her insight. She said that they want women who they can control and when they see one that they cannot control, they seek to pass laws to control them.

After reading this article it confirmed her take on it. I am kicking myself for not having seen this before - now it seems fucking obvious.
Once I came to the conclusion that 'just the tip' is essentially rape, everything since has been one long continuous self evaluation of all the machismo programming that I grew up with. Shot 2021-11-28 at 7.56.32 AM.png
About 20 members of the far-right Proud Boys militia group marched Saturday on Long Island — flashing white power signs, entering stores and shouting slogans.

The march took place in the Village of Rockville Centre, on the South Shore in Nassau County.

"Members of the group marched down Sunrise Highway, waving American flags and 'Don't Tread on Me' flags and playing music from the back of a pickup truck," Newsday reports. "Some store owners appeared surprised and alarmed by the demonstration, while diners expressed concerns about the group coming to the community."

Judy Griffin, a Democrat who represents Long Island in the New York State Assembly, said the Proud Boys did not have permits for the march and didn't give the village notice about it, adding that the event seemed intended to disrupt Small Business Saturday.

"They're a divisive group of hate and violence," Griffin said. "They don't have any place here. I'm all for freedom of speech, but this group doesn't have a very good track record and seem to come to communities to incite problems and polarize."

Democratic state Sen. Todd Kaminsky posted video from the march on Twitter, writing: "The Neo-fascist Proud Boys marched through Rockville Centre today, close to my office. I think the latest elections emboldened them-I don't remember this happening before. I will not be silent. Their hatred has no place here-this is not the Nassau I know. Who else will speak up?"

Rockville Centre Mayor Francis X. Murray, a Republican, told Newsday he didn't know who the Proud Boys were, and declined to comment on the march.

Watch below.

The Neo-fascist Proud Boys marched through Rockville Centre today, close to my office. I think the latest elections emboldened them-I don\u2019t remember this happening before. I will not be silent. Their hatred has no place here-this is not the Nassau I know. Who else will speak up?
— Todd Kaminsky (@Todd Kaminsky) 1638048822
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The Department of Justice raided the apartment of provocateur James O'Keefe to investigate his possible ties to the right-wing Proud Boys.

FBI agents executed a search warrant Nov. 6 at O'Keefe's home as part of a yearlong investigation of his Project Veritas group's purchase of a diary that purportedly belonged to President Joe Biden's daughter Ashley, and that journal's publication on a right-wing website, reported The Daily Beast.

"As part of the raid, according to the warrant, FBI agents were looking for communications with a self-described 'third degree' Proud Boy named Jackson Voynick," the website reported. "Voynick is listed in the document as one of several persons whose communications could reveal information about 'potential co-conspirators.'"

Voynick, who has reportedly been associated with O'Keefe and Project Veritas for years, has described himself on Twitter as a "third degree Proud Boy" and got a tattoo marking himself as a ranking member, although it's not clear from the search warrant whether he was involved in the Biden diary story.

READ: Project Veritas nearly doubled its revenue after pushing Trump's election fraud conspiracies: report

"The search warrant also authorizes FBI agents to seize communications with O’Keefe associates like Project Veritas’s office manager, as well as Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander, two figures reportedly tied to the diary’s alleged theft and sale," The Daily Beast reported. "A lawyer for Harris told The New York Times Harris is cooperating with the investigation but has 'no culpability,' while Kurlander didn’t comment."

Voynick was listed in the search warrant as someone whose communications might reveal details about how Project Veritas obtained the diary, which the FBI described as stolen property, or how it ended up online.
I hate that guy like you hate Russians @hanimmal ...but for the same reasons. Think he is a stain on the country and attempting to undermine it. He's been at it for a long time and I see him as one of the people that broke truth/facts/reality.
I hate that guy like you hate Russians @hanimmal ...but for the same reasons. Think he is a stain on the country and attempting to undermine it. He's been at it for a long time and I see him as one of the people that broke truth/facts/reality.
For real I have no hate for the Russian people/country at all. I think they have a interesting history and are generally good people just like almost all humanity. It sucks that they are stuck in a bad situation and are having their taxes used to attack our (and every other democratic) nation. I even feel for the people who have to troll for money to help keep their families safe and secure. I understand that times are tough and when people are in bad situations that it can be tough to not hurt people for money. It doesn't make it right, and I hope that they are stopped, but I don't necessarily think they are knowingly evil if they haven't understood what they are doing.

But I really hate that O'keefe dickface too. The ones profiteering by paying to produce the propaganda are the ones that are really the ones that are doing evil. And agree with the reasons, that I do hate all of the propaganda warfare going on regardless of who it is doing it.
For real I have no hate for the Russian people/country at all. I think they have a interesting history and are generally good people just like almost all humanity. It sucks that they are stuck in a bad situation and are having their taxes used to attack our (and every other democratic) nation. I even feel for the people who have to troll for money to help keep their families safe and secure. I understand that times are tough and when people are in bad situations that it can be tough to not hurt people for money. It doesn't make it right, and I hope that they are stopped, but I don't necessarily think they are knowingly evil if they haven't understood what they are doing.

But I really hate that O'keefe dickface too. The ones profiteering by paying to produce the propaganda are the ones that are really the ones that are doing evil. And agree with the reasons, that I do hate all of the propaganda warfare going on regardless of who it is doing it.
At least ya know where ya stand now, Trump drew out the bigoted voters and every slime ball and con artist in America too. Donald turned over many rocks in America and the slimy things crawled and slithered out into the sunlight. It seems a certain kind of person is attracted to this bullshit and there are no shortage of narcists and psychos pandering to them. They furiously blow the dog whistle and are increasingly associated with violence and intimidation. A party with a political wing, a propaganda wing (foxnews), a terrorist wing and a political warfare wing (voter suppression and taking over counting).

It's all become rather stark in America, the country is polarized and it's not difficult to see right from wrong, for those with their heads screwed on straight and who have a grasp on reality. There is no ideology involved really, just one side that is pro democracy and constitution, the patriots and the other, who are antidemocratic, illiberal and frankly unpatriotic, you get called that when you go to bed with the Russians and take their money for elections. Russia has thousands of nukes pointed at America, nobody else does, not even China.
At least ya know where ya stand now, Trump drew out the bigoted voters and every slime ball and con artist in America too. Donald turned over many rocks in America and the slimy things crawled and slithered out into the sunlight. It seems a certain kind of person is attracted to this bullshit and there are no shortage of narcists and psychos pandering to them. They furiously blow the dog whistle and are increasingly associated with violence and intimidation. A party with a political wing, a propaganda wing (foxnews), a terrorist wing and a political warfare wing (voter suppression and taking over counting).

It's all become rather stark in America, the country is polarized and it's not difficult to see right from wrong, for those with their heads screwed on straight and who have a grasp on reality. There is no ideology involved really, just one side that is pro democracy and constitution, the patriots and the other, who are antidemocratic, illiberal and frankly unpatriotic, you get called that when you go to bed with the Russians and take their money for elections. Russia has thousands of nukes pointed at America, nobody else does, not even China.
I would just add two things. First it wasn't Trump who necessarily started this back in 2006-ish with all the online conspiracy hate mongering, nor the Glenn Beck's on Fox news, or Palin in 2008. He has used and amplified it for sure, but it predated his 2016 run. Not that he wasn't working with Murdoch and the rest of the propagandists radicalizing the evangelicals and racists, but I don't think we can actually say it was him that turned those rocks over initially.

Second was that it is not just America. It really is a world wide democratic national issue at this point. The dictators of the world are using it everywhere to open up any and all the cracks they can find in all of our societies.