Trump loves the Proud Boys

I'm not posting this because it's funny, although it sorta is.

I'm posting this because he looks like he's in really rough shape.

in that pic i was actually struck by his look. i was a mortuary student for 3 years and the embalm fluid often have dye and skin softeners to make your loved one look more natural. that's why you often hear people say the deceased look as if they're sleeping

he looked embalmed imo (or lighting, filter on camera to soften his coloring with sunsetting)

the monoclonal cocktail with baby embyos most likely did the trick.
Nice avatar. Please don't tell me you support that mongoloid Swede? :(
You still here? Morons must be rare lately, they are obviously cherishing you. I mean only a moron would be carrying Donald's water at this point, Donald is the republican party, they have no platform, only the iron whim of the great leader, the chosen one. Do you even have a point, other than the one on yer head? A sock like you is unworthy of respect or consideration, yer like some kinda fuck toy to me.