Well-Known Member
More so soliciting gay sexual transactions on the internet.
you sucking my dick has nothing to do with sexuality and everything to do with power.
More so soliciting gay sexual transactions on the internet.
I don't get upset with people on the other side of a computer screen because they don't share every opinion that I do.
you sucking my dick has nothing to do with sexuality and everything to do with power.
having another man suck your dick is a crime, a mental illness, and morally bankrupt.
Why do you have a uncontrollable urge to continue to bring up sexual content that is irrelevant, offensive, criminal, and mentally ill??
homophobes like you harbor latent homosexual desires. that's why you are acting out like a stuck pig right now, closet boi.
asshole whisperer
what is criminal about one man (you) sucking another man's dick (mine)?
that's just a good time.
Cringe, witless shitbag your stench is appalling.A New CAR!!! Very intelligent I see!! Keep at it "boi" ( UncleSexOffender reference)
Perhaps it is. But what you have done, is a criminal offenseA sexual offense at that.
Bwitless shitbag your stench is appalling.
Is that what your dad taught you?
C+ I know you are smarter than that. Better next time!
don't worry, brewert. this happens to every new member who is black and jewish and totally not a sock puppet.
Asshole whisperer
nxsov180db grovelling asshole
Youre grading me? Bro youre an illiterate, gum flapping half wit. Attend to that over stuffed chaffed and crusted "thought" hole before you go septic.
dont worry, if you commit an sexual offense, ill see you to justice.....everytime.
power moves boi, power moves criminals to prison cells
where im sure u and your gayness will fit right in
you want to send me to prison for offering to let you suck my dick?
not me, the law....thanks for the evidence...grand jury says yooooo boi!