trump leaves 4 american troops to die in niger

As about as much as you solicit complete strangers on the internet for oral sex. Or perhaps its as much as you call someone a holocaust denier or Jewhater or Bigot or Simpleton, or Pedophile.....about that much, give or take a couple names.

You know its a sex offense to solicit sex on the internet in the USA?

Sex Offender


You must have been crying like a bitch, because he's been here trying to get anybody to suck his dick for years. You should feel special. He's never offered anyone $14 bucks before. I bet you're pretty.

You must have been crying like a bitch, because he's been here trying to get anybody to suck his dick for years. You should feel special. He's never offered anyone $14 bucks before. I bet you're pretty.

Lol, I am not surprised. Hes a pedophile, and that seems to be what they prefer to do. He's also a golfer Ive been told.
You slam trump for being racist, sexist, a bigot, hypocrite......all while being the type of guy who cries that this is an American injustice. Its trumps fault this as and that

And you are better how? Your actions are equal if not worse. More importantly, you are not any better of a human, let alone a leader of a Nation.

You are the epitome of a hypocrite. A racist. A sectarian.

And a sex offender.
Well, it's a documented fact that Trump IS a racist, sexist, bigot and hypocrite. In fact, he's worse than all that so simply calling him a racist, sexist, bigot and hypocrite is a compliment.

Also it is true that just about everybody is better than Trump, including you, me, Buck and Flaming Pie. though Flaming Pie is pretty close to Trump in the asshat scale.