Trump is already making my world great. Dow above 20,000

secret service agent resigned today & said she wouldn't take a bullet for that asshole...we should start a gofundme & give her a million $$$.....& a pussy hat
A (former) Federal Government employee with a conscience. Yeah, I can see them leaving in droves.

Makes ya wonder who's left, huh?
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This was like when arnold Schwarzenegger became gov of Cali. Good people left state service in droves. Made it twice as hard on those that stayed....and then came the furlows.:-(
Healthcare was great....before obama.
By what metric?

45,000 Americans were dying every single year from preventable causes because they couldn't afford health insurance. People were being turned away from coverage for preexisting conditions and entire families were filing for bankruptcy because they couldn't afford to pay for the costs of coverage.

The affordable care act isn't perfect, not by a long shot, but it's unarguably better than what we had before. Universal healthcare is ideal. There's no reason every American should not be covered, least of all a financial one. If you don't want people to be healthy because you would rather save a few bucks, in my opinion, you are a shitty human being.
By what metric?

45,000 Americans were dying every single year from preventable causes because they couldn't afford health insurance. People were being turned away from coverage for preexisting conditions and entire families were filing for bankruptcy because they couldn't afford to pay for the costs of coverage.

The affordable care act isn't perfect, not by a long shot, but it's unarguably better than what we had before. Universal healthcare is ideal. There's no reason every American should not be covered, least of all a financial one. If you don't want people to be healthy because you would rather save a few bucks, in my opinion, you are a shitty human being.
So much this.

Trillions on weapons in the last 2 decades but we can't treat old man Phil's cancer?
you are the reason health insurance is so high. If only sick people buys insurance the price will be sky high. Everyone needs to buy to spread the cost out & make it lower for everyone.

Why the fuck would I buy insurance when the deductible is 6500$??

I'm 22 years old and I haven't gone to the doctor in 2 years.

If I did I would've had to pay for EVERYTHING out of pocket, because 6500$ deductible.

Why pay 150$+ per month to have health insurance, and then still have to pay out of pocket to go to the doctor???

This makes no fucking sense.
You understand I would have to pay OUT OF POCKET untill I hit the 6500$ mark, correct??
I'll just save myself from paying the 150 a month, and if I need to go to the doctor it will cost me exactly as much, minus the fucking 150 a month.


stay smokin'
I should just get on my parents insurance for the next... 4 years?

Tricare would pay for everything, gotta love the air force

stay smokin'
The real American president trump should fix that for ya. Stay on Tricare as long as you can and live nearish to a's a good deal.

Why would anyone want Insurance if you have to pay 6500$ before they will cover anything ?

Say I cut a finger off, not at work. I go to the hospital And they send me a bill for 6200$. I HAVE TO PAY IT ALL!!
and that's after paying 150$ a month (almost 2000$ a year)
So at that point, I have paid 8000$ towards the hospital, and insurance, and have received NO BENEFIT from having the insurance. How does that make sense?
I would be better off saving my 2000$ in insurance pay. Then I could go to the doctor, pay the 6200$ and save myself 2000$.
Thats Obamacare.
It's worthless, and soon PRESIDENT TRUMP will throw it in the fucking trash, where it belongs.

Go donald trump :)

stay smokin'
Why the fuck would I buy insurance when the deductible is 6500$??

I'm 22 years old and I haven't gone to the doctor in 2 years.

If I did I would've had to pay for EVERYTHING out of pocket, because 6500$ deductible.

Why pay 150$+ per month to have health insurance, and then still have to pay out of pocket to go to the doctor???

This makes no fucking sense.
You understand I would have to pay OUT OF POCKET untill I hit the 6500$ mark, correct??
I'll just save myself from paying the 150 a month, and if I need to go to the doctor it will cost me exactly as much, minus the fucking 150 a month.


stay smokin'
If you think the Chump's plan will be better, you will be disappointed.
If you think the Chump's plan will be better, you will be disappointed.

Tbh, I don't care if trump's plan is better.

As long as I don't get penalized for not having insurance, I'm good :)

Socialism is more like you thinking I should be required to pay for your insurance because you can't afford to. Fuck that

When I say your I don't mean you in general, ttytikk.

stay smokin'
Right. Because no insurance at all is better.

Socialist hack.

It is. Especially seeing as how I haven't been to the doctor in 2 years.
I would've paid 4000$+ towards buying someone else's insurance.

Socialism at its finest!

Fuck that.

I have life insurance though, if i die my family is covered.
Good thing Obama didn't get to fucking wreck that.

I'm a bit confused how anyone could argue that obummercare isn't borderline socialism?

stay smokin'
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The fed is pushing down interest rates.

No. They went up a little.
gold won't do you any good in SHTF/WROL...... Ammo, liquor, food, medicine, water.
... And WEED.

Gold has been money since the Lydians around 700BC and still is. No money is very useful in the shit but with or without rule of law gold is and always will be accepted world wide. That will never change.