Trump Donates 1 Million Dollars to Texas Flood Victims

Property damage, lost wages, disrupted business, damaged infrastructure is estimated to cost the $75 Billion. Only $2.3 Billion remains in the federal disaster relief fund. All those people who lost homes came out of Hurricane Harvey disaster with nothing. That fund will be drained. Fast.

The spending bill currently in Congress cuts nearly $1 billion dollars from disaster relief and redirects $876 million as half the payment to fund the beginning of the construction of the Mexican border wall. That wall is going to cost 10 to 50 times more than this. Trump insists he will shut government down if that wall isn't funded.

This is your Republican government at work, Stroker.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.:fire:

The pending reduction to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's disaster relief account is part of a massive spending bill that the House is scheduled to consider next week when lawmakers return from their August recess. The $876 million cut, which is included in the 1,305-page measure's homeland security section, pays for roughly half the cost of Trump's down payment on the U.S.-Mexico border wall that the president repeatedly promised Mexico would finance.

Only $2.3 Billion remains in the federal disaster relief fund. All those people who lost homes came out of Hurricane Harvey disaster with nothing. That fund will be drained. Fast.

The spending bill currently in Congress cuts nearly $1 billion dollars from disaster relief and redirects $876 million as half the payment to fund the beginning of the construction of the Mexican border wall. That wall is going to cost 10 to 50 times more than this. Trump insists he will shut government down if that wall isn't funded.

This is your Republican government at work, Stroker.

I guess the wall can wait How are we going to get 72 billion?
I guess the wall can wait How are we going to get 72 billion?
This is your Republican government's problem. You know, the one that denied help to New York and New Jersey after they experienced a flood disaster.

I just want to point out that Senators from those states have already said they would set aside their memory of how Republicans left their districts literally hanging out to dry and agree to support funding for relief of the good people of Houston. The biggest obstacle is the Republican Freedom Caucus.

That wall can wait forever as far as I'm concerned. But that's not what Trump says. He says he will shut government down, including relief efforts in Texas if that wall isn't funded.

Still crying fake news?
So it sounds like if the President would (or could) pay
the total cost of relief you "tolerant" liberals will still
see him as the devil.
Great thought process.
So it sounds like if the President would (or could) pay
the total cost of relief you "tolerant" liberals will still
see him as the devil.
Great thought process.
We judge our leaders by what they do, not what they say. We'll see what this Trump-led administration does and judge them accordingly. Right now all we have from them is talk and no action. They have been in full control of the government for about a half a year. So far abysmal inaction.

So fuck them. and through them anybody who voted for that fucker.

They can change our minds by changing their behavior. Not hopeful.
So it sounds like if the President would (or could) pay
the total cost of relief you "tolerant" liberals will still
see him as the devil.
Great thought process.
"thought process"? you post a fucking child's turd and then deride the thought process of others, witless bone spur sucker.

he's a common fucking liar, a tax evader, a racist, a pussy groper, a forgiver of a convicted shit ball, a climate denier, a pathological narcissist and a draft dodger. Calling him the devil is wicked understatement he's a heinous toxic blight to our country
So it sounds like if the President would (or could) pay
the total cost of relief you "tolerant" liberals will still
see him as the devil.
Great thought process.
He planned to give 1mill dollars.

I already worked that out as a percentage of his claimed networth and compared it to a nearly bread-line American family (when infact in reality struggling families probably don't even have $1000 left over per month).

Would you expect praise for donating the equivalent of 2.5c to the relief effort?
He has been known to say he's giving donations and the group never sees it... recall that story from the campaign? I'd have to freshen up on it but some vets groups if I recall right he said he'd give $ to then didn't till pressured if I recall right...

If he does it, fantastic. Before I say that's great of him I want proof he gave what he said he wud
No, you are an idiot being taken by a grifter. Bait & switch, jackass. What's a million when the goal is to steal BILLIONS from needed agencies and programs to give himself and others like him huge tax breaks? A million is cheap PR that causes fools like you to look the other way. You and your ilk (such as OP) are easy marks. Shameful.
The common thread is that they are dumber than your average person. It can't be helped from our perspective but it can from the Republicans' - just destroy education and there will be more of them. Consider it intellectual gerrymandering. Way to MAGA, right?
Even better, he can take that million and spend it on Trump brand steaks and send them down to Houston. The same way he did during his campaign when an inordinate amount of the money that Trump supporter suckers donated to his campaign ended up in the pockets of his family through renting Trump properties, hiring his kids' businesses to provide services, etc.

first things first..they need trump water..just keep drinking that trump water.

saaaaaaaayyyy..anyone know the whereabouts of ivanka and the kush? on their monthly ski vacation after her melt in the O office?..seems she had to lay her head down and sob..guess id be crying too knowing i was going to jail all because daddy wanted to promote his brand with a fake run of the presidency.

and remember how he tortured obama with birtherism? gave rise to the tea?

karma folks.
Yup I recalled right, may of 2016. Look it up. It is not anti trump ppl that should apologize for the skepticism when a person lies repeatedly and easily demonstatable lies and falsehoods and over exaggerations he has no trust in anyone liberal or conservative that has any amount of critical thinking skills... burden of proof is on the demonstrable liar, and professional conman.