Trump being sued for violating Constitution

awwww, that hurt you pretty bad. i am so sorry. but not really.

I'm on my 4th NoDa so no. It's really funny seeing someone whine and cry to you specifically in their own threads about you not staying on topic.......then liking that you're off topic in other threads. So, not hurt but amused. Amuse me more.
probably not, but it will be the first in a series of these.

all of which could be avoided by simple divestment.

but he does not respect his supporters enough to do that.
Divestment isn't practical for him. He has realest holdings. The brand's value is tied to him and the properties have intrinsic value themselves. Selling them off would take years. This isn't a stock portfolio.

The president isn't required to. Most do for a show of good faith. But to do this for Trump would be to destroy his hotel and resort empire.
See I don't get this double standard. So Trump has his kids managing his company right? A hotel chain and golf courses.

Joe Biden's son was a chair of Barista Energy (after he got kicked out of the military for blowing too much coke), the biggest non government petroleum company in Ukraine. And John Kerry's son-in-law was also a management chair of that very same company. And then, whoa, a state department backed coup just so happened to go down in Ukraine, crazy right?

Bullshit "liberals", your buttbuddies' nepotism was inches from starting a world war and you're bitching about hotels. Seriously, you aren't into politics, you're into fitting in.
Divestment isn't practical for him. He has realest holdings. The brand's value is tied to him and the properties have intrinsic value themselves. Selling them off would take years. This isn't a stock portfolio.

The president isn't required to. Most do for a show of good faith. But to do this for Trump would be to destroy his hotel and resort empire.

funny, a wealthy elitist jew like me has never been to his hotel and resort empire.

divestment is necessary or he will run into this shit again and again.

sorry you hate facts.
See I don't get this double standard. So Trump has his kids managing his company right? A hotel chain and golf courses.

Joe Biden's son was a chair of Barista Energy (after he got kicked out of the military for blowing too much coke), the biggest non government petroleum company in Ukraine. And John Kerry's son-in-law was also a management chair of that very same company. And then, whoa, a state department backed coup just so happened to go down in Ukraine, crazy right?

Bullshit "liberals", your buttbuddies' nepotism was inches from starting a world war and you're bitching about hotels. Seriously, you aren't into politics, you're into fitting in.

it's good that you are whining so much about this. that shows your fear.

we are going to see corruption on a scale never seen before from donald.

nice anime avatar. tell me more about you.
This is the reason that every president has, upon being elected, liquidated his business assets before taking office: to remove ANY POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST, either real or perceived.

Trump is the first president to NOT do so.

That is why he is catching hell for it. It has nothing to do with "harassment" or anything of the kind.
my argument is that trum will face ongoing lawsuits, over and over and over again. that was kinda the point of this thread.

Yeah that's not an argument though, that's an opinion, and not a very articulate one at that. I'm sure you'd love Trump to get sued, but you don't exactly have the best predictive record, now do you? Stick to the window biz, actuary is definitely not your bag.
he is being sued for defamation and violating the emoluments clause as we speak, in addition to 74 other lawsuits.

so it's less of an opinion and more of a really damning set of facts.
That's the dumbest lawsuit I've ever heard of. "Gifts or payments" isn't revenue from a business, that's like saying a president can't own stock while in office. Stop reading headlines man, they're making you look stupid and desperate. But but but... Obama didn't do that.

oh wait, yes he did

God you'll fall for anything if they put it in bold print at the top of the page.

( TIL Obama and I invest in the same index fund, can't fault him for that)
that's like saying a president can't own stock while in office.

They can't. Or, at least, no other president in American History has until now.

You speak as though you have absolutely no idea what liquidation is or what a conflict of interest is. Allow me to educate you in about the most layman way I can:

Let's say that you have an oil sheik from Dubai come over to the U.S. for a conference on crude oil pricing. Let's say he stays in Trump Hotel, which the Donald still has stock in. Let's then say that the price of oil skyrockets and shoots gasoline prices through the roof. It then comes to light that during his stay, that oil sheik payed about 10,000 times the going rate for his room.

Now then, it wouldn't be too big a leap to suggest at that point that the sheik paid off our President on a crude oil deal to make a ton of money. After all, since he wound up paying Trump by way of dividends and earnings through his stock, that's exactly what happened: the President would profit from a deal that hurt the American people.

That is one example. Let's take it one step further:

Let's say Trump owned stock in a defense contractor. He then goes to war with a nation over very dubious reasons. It then comes to light that the most used unit he's sending to war comes from the very defense contractor he owns stock in.

Yea. That wouldn't look very good either, would it?

These are the reasons that no sitting president has ever carried his businesses and stocks into the White House with him: to avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest.

This is something Trump is simply refusing to do. It's almost as if he fully plans on doing exactly that: promoting himself and his businesses through the White House. That is why everybody on the planet except for the minority that is the Trump fangirls are crying "Foul" over it.

As for your lame article, they invested in Treasury Bonds and Notes. Those are not stocks. Those are issued by the U.S. Government. As such, they only profit if the United States profits. That is not a conflict of interest because he isn't personally profiting if the nation suffers.
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