

Active Member
Hey, new here, I used to get something called truffles, they were like brown lumps and taste kind of bitter, Ive never done mushrooms but my mates said they were kinda the same thing.

Well anyway they used to sell these at the local hydrophonic centre but don't anymore. Anyone know anything about these?


Well-Known Member
could they have been philsopher stones? Psilocybe Mexicana Philosopher's Stone Truffles

its a kind of shroom, i'm sure there some real mycologist-type who can tell you more. all i know is i debated buying some in amsterdam once, supposed to be a real introspective trip
That is sclerotia. Mexicana is a sclerotia-forming strain. It produces both mushrooms and sclerotia, which is a weird-ass hard growth that tastes like, and is about the consistency of peanuts. Obviously, your link was billing it as something other than a psychadelic mushroom, but sclerotia is acually higher in psilocybin and psilocin than dried p. mexicana mushroom bodies. I guess they thought they could argue that they weren't "mushrooms" or something, I bet the law change they talk about is making the alkaloids themselves illegal or an analogue act or something.