FalseFalse, 2 Pink Floyds and a Clockwork Orange don my walls.
The next poster has legally killed someone.
The next poster has stolen money from a family member or spouse
FalseFalse, 2 Pink Floyds and a Clockwork Orange don my walls.
The next poster has legally killed someone.
true...I used to scam from my stepdad back in school,he'd go to the bar after work,come home and pass out with money falling out of his pockets.False
The next poster has stolen money from a family member or spouse
The next poster has driven home in black-out mode.
true...but I typed it in too slow..loli should, but no.
the next poster REALLY has a DUI on their record.
true...and woke up in my car and forgot where I was.True
the next poster once forgot where they parked their car
The next poster has stepped on a nail.
worked for a remodeling company , fell off while doing roofing multiple timesTrue
The next poster has fallen off of a ladder,and I fell 60 feet on a lift in 2005!True
The next poster has fallen off of a ladder
true... almost everydaytrue the next poster smoked weed on the job.