True leaves??

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SON OF A BITCH WTF! it deleted my damn post ugh.
im not doing that all over again.

Blah blah I removed true leaves plant is reaching 3 weeks.
omg I cant belive it removed it ugh I need to learn how to use this crap
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bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I don't take anything off a small plant. I do however FIMM the seedlings leaving 3-4 nodes and the snip is cloned. In a sunlight seasonal grow I have found that it is best not to alter the plant at all.
Ok thanks too late now lol but I know for next time, In my mind I was like well these leaves aren't doing jack shit so I removed them maybe hoping after it heals the energy will go to the top of my plant, because I topped it a few days ago and the tops seem to be growing slow idk...