Well-Known Member
Hey im new to this forum thing but i had a question does anyone know where to get true landrace seeds without the genetic modifications and crossbreeding. Prefer the sativa strains like Swazi and Durban Poison.
I have and they are legit...Malawi, Mulanje, and Mozambique...they are actually bred by old and well respected breederthat is exactly what i was going to say. i havnt grown any of holy smokes stuff but im getting the mozambique poison soon.
green house seeds mentioned something about releasing some landrace strains cause of thier online show strain hunters awsome show they go all over the world to collect strains only problem I have is they only sell fem seeds but I'm sure thier landraces will be regular seeds though if they actually do it fem landrace seeds would be bullshit
its is good but hermie pronei'll let you know how Delta 9 lab's Mekong Haze is, be warned as it takes 16-18 weeks to flower out, but supposed to be excellent for breeding since its pure cambodian. started 10 yesterday, i figure if i start it now, i can sex them and get the best males/fems separated by December and smoke them by next June LOL!
it may take a year of planning before i can smoke this stuff but the wait will hopefully be worth it... if it isn't then i will shed some manly tears.
a lot of landrace sativas are hermie prone. environmental stress like overnuting or light leaks etc will bring it on. one of the many reasons people say to leave the landraces for the experienced grower but if you treat em with care and listen to there needs they will reward you