Mike Young
Well-Known Member
I think you better buy a bigger pump if you intend to have success with those nozzles. Running them at minimum operating pressure will not give you the results you're after. http://www.steamshop.com/4023antidrip.pdf
My nozzles don't drip. I have a pretty short run of tubing totalling less than 2' per solenoid (2 nozzles each). If my nozzles aren't on an even plane, that's another story. I realized this when I tried to drop 2 of my 4 nozzles. They were peein themselves bigtime! If I dedicate a solenoid to the low nozzles and the other to the high I can resolve this problem.
As long as you nozzles don't drip, I wouldn't worry a big deal about it unless you are going for .1 sec bursts. I know a few larger droplets are created while the pressure builds, but I'm happy as hell with the roots that got decent coverage in my last go. And if I get the kind of results from having a single chamber with 4 nozzles... I think we gonna see some happy roots!
My nozzles don't drip. I have a pretty short run of tubing totalling less than 2' per solenoid (2 nozzles each). If my nozzles aren't on an even plane, that's another story. I realized this when I tried to drop 2 of my 4 nozzles. They were peein themselves bigtime! If I dedicate a solenoid to the low nozzles and the other to the high I can resolve this problem.
As long as you nozzles don't drip, I wouldn't worry a big deal about it unless you are going for .1 sec bursts. I know a few larger droplets are created while the pressure builds, but I'm happy as hell with the roots that got decent coverage in my last go. And if I get the kind of results from having a single chamber with 4 nozzles... I think we gonna see some happy roots!