Troubles adjusting to FFOF.


Well-Known Member
I have got back into indoor this winter after going outdoor for the last eight or so years. I used to live on a farm so I had plenty of access to loamy soil. Never had issues.

You can see what happened in another thread here somewhere. I'll get back to it. Either way I'm gonna stick with the FFOF and tweak things a bit. For my new mother's and second batch of clones I added in dolomite lime. Seems to be a must have with this stuff. For my feedings I'm gonna try to play around with organic seaweed and fish concentrate from King Neptune. I did try the tiger bloom but believe it was to much for the plants. O even went straight water for 35 or 40 days before I started feeding. However I was having trouble and my cheap old ass meter miss lead me on pH and nutirent content. It all started with Cal mag issues though. IMG_20170331_120043220_HDR.jpg IMG_20170402_181918996_HDR.jpg IMG_20170402_182231861_BURST000_COVER_TOP.jpg IMG_20170402_182214702.jpg I'm going to try to update and ad things in as I go. I'm also in the middle of building a big flower room so I'll make posts of that as well. Hopefully I can learn some stuff from people and hopefully people will learn answers there searching for. I'm working with exotic Thai from exotic seeds Blimburn I have sour D GSC purp grizzly kush, King Kong from big Buddha, Black dog from Humboldt and dutch passions purple number one.last but not least is my vermonster. Witch is surprising exceeding pace of the exotic Thai. Many more bud sites and less leaf. It's very surprising considering I've been seeeding it out for this will be eight years. Last fall I I used my male on a auto blackberry and that's actually one of the offspring. So it's technically not a vermonster. Anyways hopefully all goes. Well. The last pic is the offspring of BB KUSH the others exotic Thai and big one in back purple number one in our fourth week of flower. And baby mother's are a little over three weeks. CANT WAIT


Well-Known Member
Looks great!! I agree dolomite lime is helpful with ff ocean forrest. I have had troubles with too low of ph soil so the lime helps bring that up. It also helps add calmag to your soil since the FF line up seems to be lacking in that.

I use the line with a calmag supplement and it works out pretty good. Im giving the solubles a try next round and adding mycos and azos to the soil. I also add mollasses in flower to help feed the microorganisms.


Well-Known Member
I use FFOF a lot to start soil plants when my no till pots are all occupied. From "my" exp you can pretty much use fresh not before used FFOF with just water all through veg pretty much depending on strain of course. I also use the king neptune fish fert for my feeds in my soil and I alternate this with feedings using cocunut/aloe powder and ful-power. On those days I foliar feed with the same mix as well. Dolomite lime is fine but it's not as fact acting as other options it takes time to work and is better used when initially prepping the soil and then top dressing if/as needed. Try some oyster shell/oyster shell meal for your cal mag issues and make sure it's not a lack of N which you can fix easily with many things like the fish fertilizer or some top dressing with Kelp meal. Good luck grow looks good.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I picked up some things yesterday for my third round of clones. I'm gonna go with some dolomite and some green sand. I also have a bag of crushed oyster shells. They are not powder though. I believe I can go about 40 days no feed. That OF IS pretty hot. I put my new mother's in at two weeks old and they still got a little hot. But it's going.


Well-Known Member
No I'm one hundred percent sure it was a magnesium issue. That's how I mixed in the lime I used a whole cup for one bag of OF. I'm going to be cautious with the green sand though because im not sure if it will add to much potassium. It would be very helpful of fox farm to put a damn npk ratio on there bag.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I picked up some things yesterday for my third round of clones. I'm gonna go with some dolomite and some green sand. I also have a bag of crushed oyster shells. They are not powder though. I believe I can go about 40 days no feed. That OF IS pretty hot. I put my new mother's in at two weeks old and they still got a little hot. But it's going.
This is the reason it's so hot , and has no organic certifications or any type of marking on the bag that says it's organic, only "Smart Naturals" which is an ambiguous term.

Fox Farm also removed any mention of FFOF being organic on their website

There is also this article

If possible stay away from Fox Farm soil , it's all pretty junk and unusually has fungus gnat lavae in it as well.
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Well-Known Member
The biggest problem with fungus nats in my experience is buying soil that was leftover from last year and sat at the bottom of a covered pallet. Over watering also encourage them. It could be garbage soil I guess I will find out.


Well-Known Member
Look at my avatar, all those plants were started in veg with FFOF and water only, it's real shitty soil LOL.

Same with my journal. You can get fungus gnats from ANY soil you buy anywhere. This is not a FFOF specific problem. Also the people who complain that it's "too hot" it's because they're feeding the new FFOF when it doesn't need it. Use water until you notice deficiencies.

Bitching about gnats in soil is like complaining because you got bugs from clones you got from someone. If you grow long enough it happens. Part of the game.

Just my $0.02



Well-Known Member
I'm sure the little weasels are ripping us off. When I have more time to experiment I'll come up with something.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the little weasels are ripping us off. When I have more time to experiment I'll come up with something.
If you are interested in saving money and getting a better quality product, there are a lot of soil recipes in the organic section of these forums.


Well-Known Member
It does kinda piss me off if all the articles are correct. There is a reason I don't use miracle grow products. But if fox farm really is playing BS then they are no better. So I just might have to break out the mixing tub.


Well-Known Member
It does kinda piss me off if all the articles are correct. There is a reason I don't use miracle grow products. But if fox farm really is playing BS then they are no better. So I just might have to break out the mixing tub.
It's Super ez and cheap to get your own mix going, and you know exactly what you are putting into your mix. I would also recommend build a soil , much much much better than these large companies, they make small batch mixes and sell just about anything you can need to make a soil mix and they also use coots style organic, which is proven to work and produce some of the best quality medicine.

Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
The first thing I'm going to do is figure out the growth requirements of each of the seven strains I have and get them figured out and then I'll try to put together a soil that will work. I think trying to do both at once will just make things longer to figure out in the end. But thank you for the web address I'll definitely check them out.


Well-Known Member
IMG_20170406_050623628.jpg Well I transplanted the third batch of clones last night. This time I added dolomite and greensand and a bag of pearlite. Hopefully this will cure the mag issues and hopefully I can use straight water to get thirty days veg and second week of bloom till I have to feed. I'll be taking 20 more cuttings tonight. It looks like I might be able to get some cuttings of the new strains within the next two weeks. I can't wait.View attachment 3919888


Well-Known Member
IMG_20170406_192523558.jpg well here is the kids. My strain I breed with the auto seems to be trying to bud. I moved it into a less lighted area and it seems it triggered it to flower. Seems introduction of auto genes is not a good idea. To unstable. Hopefully it will reveg AGAIN.


Well-Known Member
Things are going good. Starting to have a progressing nitrogen problem. However in the end of fifth week of flower so I don't know if I want to chase it. I think I'll just give them a good dose of grow big and tiger bloom. Next week I will hold of on the nitrogen and just feed tiger bloom maybe once more at the beginning of week seven. Then that will be it until week nine.IMG_20170408_182915677.jpg IMG_20170408_183007211_BURST001.jpg IMG_20170408_182859031.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well I was wrong. Totally devestated. The big purp number one shot out five or six bananas in the last three days or four. It looks like I got alot of seeds in my buds now. I can't believe it. DONT EVER TAKE YOUR EYES OF YOUR BUDS FOR EVEN ONE DAY. OR ELSE IT WILL GET YOU.


Well-Known Member
I guess the biggest thing I can say to a beginner is be patient and vigilant. Your growing a hybrid weed. It's not going to die in one day. Be patient take your time to figure out what's going on before you react. Start feeding slowly and only if the plants tell you there hungry. Also don't just listen to the first person you ask advice from unless you really trust them. Or know them to be knowledgeable. And document everything. And don't mess with strains that you know to be hermaphrodite tendance. It's just not worth it.