Trouble with seedling, first grow. Please help

Hey I planted a mix of 6 feminized white widow and critical seeds less than 2 weeks ago and 5 are doing very well. However one of them is much smaller and has what seems like tiny white hairs in the center where the leaves start. My first thought was mold but I'm not completely sure. Please give me your opinion/ what you think I should do with it.

The seedlings are in a premium soilless mycorrhizae mix under a 18/6 lighting schedule (T5 6400k). I am only going to be vegging until about a foot or so before putting in my HPS room. I started them with water and started a very watered down organic based vegetative fertilizer cycle after a week. My PH is at 6.5 and temperatures stay between 70 and 80 degrees farenheit.

Here's two pictures, one of the 5 healthy ones and the one unhealthy one
