trouble in paradise....need advise, FAST!


I think I'll smoke a little bit of the dried sucker buds right now just to mellow out a bit:joint:
Aaaahhh! that's better!:weed:

I wouldn't say I am wasted, but I don't feel quite normal either. Now, officially, I have grown and smoked my own pot plants and gotten high on! :blsmoke:how cool is that?


Is there actually a seed forming inside them? What you call pods do produce seeds if pollinated and are your flowers. Some call them a calyxe but I personally consider them a bract. If the plant does not get pollinated then the plant will fill them with resin the last few weeks of maturing...
Hmmm. I never even considered that. So they might just be filled with resin as part of the natural maturing process. I'll have to check out some of those pods more closely. Maybe I got nothing to worry about then...


I reset all my plants back into the grow room. I need to sleep on this one. I just took these pictures.

seed pods grow one week eight flower 002.jpgseed pods grow one week eight flower 001.jpgseed pods grow one week eight flower 003.jpg

As you can see I got quite a jungle on my hands.

Here's all the suckers I trimmed away too. Gonna dry it and use it to make hash. It does have trichomes on it. Hopefully that won't stress the plants too much. First grow, I'm an idiot, what can I say? Pulling the suckers might negatively influence the plant in one way-stress, but influence it positively in another-more plant resources will now go up to the big cola's! I'll tell you what tho, I'm never gonna let suckers get away from me again!
seed pods grow one week eight flower 004.jpg


I checked my plants for pollen sacs and found none. The more I think of it, the more i believe that those seeds I found are the occasional seed you find in a bag of weed. I squeezed a few of the hardened calyxes (I think that's what the're called) and the were filled, but not necessarily with seeds. More like resin.

I trimmed all those tiny buds and am drying them out for hash, and smoke a little too. It does get you high!:mrgreen:

I think I'll keep things going as usual, but really inspect my plants really good every day from here on out. I am soooooo close!

If seeds start forming on the big cola's, can you tell by inspecting them?

Your thoughts on my strategy?

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
so here's what I got. They are seed pods. They are hard, and I actually popped an unripe seed from a pod. As you can see they are very small suckers that I thought I would leave on and make hash out of. There are more suckers than this sample involved that I already chopped. The Outlaws and the AKS seem unaffected, but will still need to take a real good look to make sure things are ok.
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In picture number 3 and 4, I see balls on the node.