trouble cloning pls help


3.+ok im a long time outdoor grower and have been growin in for a lil under a year i have been trying to clone my m-39
i did manage to get 1 clone to root and grow now im using her as a mother to keep my strain since this is not a easy strain to get a hold of.
i first tried cloning powder with no luck then the gel it seemed to be working but now doesint matter what i try they all seem to turn to mush after about a week the stem and leaves turn all slimy and die.
im using a cloning tray so what could cause this bad gel 2 much time with the dome on to much water in my tray arrrgh im doin exactly the same thing that i did with my first attempt with the gel and even with no gel they still do the same so i am lost and confused every 1 tells me its easy but not for me lol
could it be because im trying to clone from a clone that came from a clone loland its hard to say how long the other guy has been cloning them its a real nice strain strait from montreal so i would like to keep it around for a while thx in advance for any help it will be appreciated


Ive just cloned for the first time myself. It cost me all of £4. Humidity Dome, and peat pellets. Thats all i used, plus a 24w cfl around 6 inch away from the dome. I didnt use a heat mat, but its supposed to encourage growth faster i beleive. Im only going by what ive read though.

I had my clones 18 clones in the dome for around 7-8 days, all rooted except one. I didnt use and cloning gel or powder either.

As for a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone. Someone more experianced will have to answer lol.


Ive just cloned for the first time myself. It cost me all of £4. Humidity Dome, and peat pellets. Thats all i used, plus a 24w cfl around 6 inch away from the dome. I didnt use a heat mat, but its supposed to encourage growth faster i beleive. Im only going by what ive read though.

I had my clones 18 clones in the dome for around 7-8 days, all rooted except one. I didnt use and cloning gel or powder either.

As for a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone. Someone more experianced will have to answer lol.
did u keep your dome on all the time i only take it off to mist them about once a day i also found that they dont like a lot of light thats how i made my 1 and only succesfull clone maybe just tryal and error are gonna be my best teachers lol just tired of tryin errors lol


Well-Known Member
im having the same probs with cloning ive tried powder and gel none seem to work with the Bubblelicious clones im tryng to make. maybe the strain is funny that way.


Well-Known Member
You havnt mentioned how cold it is where your trying to root your clones. I have better luck sometimes sticking them in styrofoam cups so the whole plant is way down low in the cup then I can cover the entire cup with saran wrap and spray water down in there every day to keep everything moist. I put mine in room so its not directly under the light but gets a little, I thnk if its not warm enough you wil have problems but not too hot.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Indicas are harder to clone but you guys pay close attention to the humidity and tempeture of your dome and spray a couple times a day.All it takes is trial and error you boys will get the hang of it.
I had a bit of trouble the first few times I tried too.

I would say that a humidity dome and rockwool/plugs is a must. I tried powder, but it never worked for me, so I switched to gel and have 100% success.

Make sure you cut off a decent size branch from the mother (I usually go 5" with a few nodes). Cut it at a 45 degree angle and dip it in the gel RIGHT AWAY. I let it soak in the gel (about an inch), for like 10 seconds and then jam it in the plug.

Also, if you have a heating pad to put under the dome with some water in the tray, that helps a ton.

Remember, clones don't like a ton of light when rooting, so, off to the side of the light in your veg area is fine.

Should be good in a week.

Hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else.

Good luck!


You havnt mentioned how cold it is where your trying to root your clones. I have better luck sometimes sticking them in styrofoam cups so the whole plant is way down low in the cup then I can cover the entire cup with saran wrap and spray water down in there every day to keep everything moist. I put mine in room so its not directly under the light but gets a little, I thnk if its not warm enough you wil have problems but not too hot.
actually now that u mention it when i was getting roots on firts attempts it was during summer time and now it is getting pretty cold i need to keep a heater in my room to keep the temp in the 70's it makes sense cause i tried an experament this is how it went
1 clone was cut placed in rooting gel and then peat moss pucks after just a few days it showed sings of rotting away
2 clone was cut put into peat puck with no rooting compound clone stayed healthy for a week
3 i used - organic things not really sure how to explain it but i bought it from a hydro shop and also was healthy for a week
then 1 day i was thinkin about the heat on the roots so i placed my heater under the shelf my dome was on the next moning they wher all mush and ther was a funky smell in the tray so themn back to sqare 1 lol.
so now im tryin again cut 7 off the mother last night im using the organic since the hydro guy told me they work really well i washed my tray out really good incase of contamination or some shit i am keeping these clones in the house so i can monitor the progress more closely i will let yall know how it turns out keeping my fingers crossed that i find a way that works for me .


Well-Known Member
Some strains just don't root well. Northern Lights roots like a dream, Sweet Skunk (14 week variety) doesn't root well at all. A single 40 watt CFL works well as the light, kept about 18 inches above the tops of the cuttings and on 24 hours a day. Oasis cubes work best in my experience, sat on a few sheets of wet paper towel in a clear plastic bin with another bin upside down on top as the dome. Works perfect for me with NL, roots show in about 10 days and I transplant at 2 weeks. Peat pellets would probably be too acidic but you could neutralize it by watering with a little milk of magnesia mixed in with the water. That will safely neutralize acidity (if you can drink it, it should't hurt the cuttings) and add magnesium at the same time. I mix a bunch a bunch in with the potting soil too and the plants grow great, about 10-20 mils per liter of soil.


Some strains just don't root well. Northern Lights roots like a dream, Sweet Skunk (14 week variety) doesn't root well at all. A single 40 watt CFL works well as the light, kept about 18 inches above the tops of the cuttings and on 24 hours a day. Oasis cubes work best in my experience, sat on a few sheets of wet paper towel in a clear plastic bin with another bin upside down on top as the dome. Works perfect for me with NL, roots show in about 10 days and I transplant at 2 weeks. Peat pellets would probably be too acidic but you could neutralize it by watering with a little milk of magnesia mixed in with the water. That will safely neutralize acidity (if you can drink it, it should't hurt the cuttings) and add magnesium at the same time. I mix a bunch a bunch in with the potting soil too and the plants grow great, about 10-20 mils per liter of soil.
yeah that sounds about right ive been watchin a few vids the past couple of days and found some good info in jorge cervantes ultimate grow this gy knows his shit so i have since placed tray back into mother room under a 4 foot cfl.
its been a few days and all seems well so far 1 thing i noticed was they didint have water in the bottom of the cloning trays they had perlite maybe i was keeping to much water as for the strain its fully clonable its m-39 strait out of montreal its all they grow there and its pretty much a clone only plant but i wanna order some seeds 1 day of high quality mj like some shiva skunk/skunk#1 and early skunk for outdoor so i must get really good at cloning and breeding lol doesint every 1 i think i should be able to get it no prob once i control the environment they are in a lil better at least my mother plant is a sing that i am capable of getting at least 1 clone to properly root and grow so im not giving up lol


Some strains just don't root well. Northern Lights roots like a dream, Sweet Skunk (14 week variety) doesn't root well at all. A single 40 watt CFL works well as the light, kept about 18 inches above the tops of the cuttings and on 24 hours a day. Oasis cubes work best in my experience, sat on a few sheets of wet paper towel in a clear plastic bin with another bin upside down on top as the dome. Works perfect for me with NL, roots show in about 10 days and I transplant at 2 weeks. Peat pellets would probably be too acidic but you could neutralize it by watering with a little milk of magnesia mixed in with the water. That will safely neutralize acidity (if you can drink it, it should't hurt the cuttings) and add magnesium at the same time. I mix a bunch a bunch in with the potting soil too and the plants grow great, about 10-20 mils per liter of soil.
this is a lil off topic but its my topic so i noticed that ur user name is bob cajun are u actually a cajun lol i only ask cause im a acadian the canadian version of a cajun lol if so where u from i live in easten canada pretty much where all the cajuns come from so yeah just a stoner brain fart


Well-Known Member
i've always had trouble with powders for some reason but i have had 100% success rate with olivia's cloning gel... all i do is cut the clones and immediately put the tip of the stem where the cut is in a cup of water so they don't take up air bubbles (which will kill the clone).. once i hold the cut below water for about 10-20 seconds, i dip the cutting into my gel and try to get a nice gob of gel stuck to the bottom of the cutting.. after that i just throw it in ph soaked rockwool, cut half of each of my little fan leaves off, and put the clone under the humidome in my propogation tray.. i open the tray at least once a day for fresh air and a small misting.. i usually see roots in a week to two weeks depending on the genetics.

i don't know what medium you are putting your clones into, but try to use something with a ph balance that is good for clones and has little or no nutrients in it.. when i first started cloning i was just tossing htem into soil and it was burning the hell out of them. Also, this is not the only way to clone, that's just the way i do it and there are many other ways that work just as well. just wanted to share that method with you though because i have had great success after failed previous attempts! It's just one of those things that can seem difficult until you find the best way that works for you, then it just seems easy.. so don't get discouraged!


i've always had trouble with powders for some reason but i have had 100% success rate with olivia's cloning gel... all i do is cut the clones and immediately put the tip of the stem where the cut is in a cup of water so they don't take up air bubbles (which will kill the clone).. once i hold the cut below water for about 10-20 seconds, i dip the cutting into my gel and try to get a nice gob of gel stuck to the bottom of the cutting.. after that i just throw it in ph soaked rockwool, cut half of each of my little fan leaves off, and put the clone under the humidome in my propogation tray.. i open the tray at least once a day for fresh air and a small misting.. i usually see roots in a week to two weeks depending on the genetics.

i don't know what medium you are putting your clones into, but try to use something with a ph balance that is good for clones and has little or no nutrients in it.. when i first started cloning i was just tossing htem into soil and it was burning the hell out of them. Also, this is not the only way to clone, that's just the way i do it and there are many other ways that work just as well. just wanted to share that method with you though because i have had great success after failed previous attempts! It's just one of those things that can seem difficult until you find the best way that works for you, then it just seems easy.. so don't get discouraged!
so i went and bought some new cloning gel a few days ago and noticed somethin the gel in my older already open bottle the gel was a dark green and in the new bottle the gel was a lot lighter green its the same brand so im thinkin i may have contaminated the older gel cause i didint know u werent suppose to dip cuttings dirrectly in the bottle lol . so i cut 6 more clones last night with the new gel the organic cubes im tryin out have a ph adjuster and a small nutrient additive the 7 i cut a few days ago are still as green as when i cut them so im keeping my fingers crossed ill give yall an update in a few more days thx for all the help guys


Active Member
I don't know how involved you want to get in cloning, but I've made an aeroponic cloning system similar to the EZ Cloner. I have 100% success rate. I have to put an aquarium heater in the water now that it's cold outside but once you get it built it's plug it in and forget about it. No gels, just pure water.



I don't know how involved you want to get in cloning, but I've made an aeroponic cloning system similar to the EZ Cloner. I have 100% success rate. I have to put an aquarium heater in the water now that it's cold outside but once you get it built it's plug it in and forget about it. No gels, just pure water.
wow that thing looks awsome u say u built that urself great job would it be possible to write me up a material list i really wanna get into cloning since sometimes it can be very difficult to get descent quality clones around here mostly a lot of ganga that barely gets u high i dont even know why people even bother growing such garbage.
haw many can u cut at a time and whats the timeline for roots thx


Active Member
what do you guys spray your clones with, or what do you think is best distilled water filtered drinking water or does anyone use water with some kind of ferts in it? I have distilled water, canna coco nutes, and root stimulator? what should i spray my clones with ?


Active Member
wow that thing looks awsome u say u built that urself great job would it be possible to write me up a material list i really wanna get into cloning since sometimes it can be very difficult to get descent quality clones around here mostly a lot of ganga that barely gets u high i dont even know why people even bother growing such garbage.
haw many can u cut at a time and whats the timeline for roots thx

I can give you a quick idea on how to make it. If you want a real detailed tutorial check out some other aeroponic cloner DIY posts.

The key is finding that black and yellow box at Lowes. It's sturdy as hell and has a 24 square grid on the top that is perfect for 2" net pots. It's also has a snap on lid that doesn't leak.

Part list

-black and yellow storage bin
-250 GPH submersible pump
-24 2" net pots
-24 2" neoprene caps
- 1/2" adapter
- (3) 1/2" Ts
- (4) 1/2" end caps
- 5 3/4" piece of PVC
- (2) 2 3/4" pieces of PVC
- (4) 9" pieces of PVC
-10 360 spray jets

-figure out what size hole is needed for your net pots. Some fit in a 2" hole and others require you drill a 2 1/8" hole. Drill 24 holes into the lid. Drill a 1" hole for the cord to come out.

- put the pump in the bottom of the container, then build up as follows.
-1/2 adapter screws into the pump
-5 3/4" piece of PVC goes into the adapter
-1/2" T goes on top of this piece
- 2 3/4 " pieces come off the T
-then put the Ts on the end of these pieces
-attach 9" to each of these Ts and add end caps.
-use and 11/64 drill bit to drill holes for spray jets.

It's basically an adapter attaching to the pump, a 5 3/4" piece off that and build an (H) on top with the 9" pieces on the sides and 2 3/4" pieces in the middle.

Good luck


wow tthx a lot man this deff is gonna be a near futur project theres no lowes aroun where i live but theres qwite a few hardware stores around so im sure ill be able to find something similar thx again update on the baby's they are all still alive and look well but the 6 with no gel look better than the 6 with gel i suppose the stem prob breaks down faster with the gel


heres a 1 week update on my babies the 6 with no gel are still really green and seem to continue with new growth
as for the 6 with gel the leaves started turning yellow with browned tips and shit so i pulled 1 that the stem turned completely to mush and trimed all the yellow and brown off the remaining 5 to stop the spread.
i am starting to think that the gel i am using is crap its roots cloning gel any 1 else ever use this brand and how well did it work for u thx
i will update again in a few days