Trippy Music


I like this sphongle fan video, the song is chill to
ya...ive spent many a long night expanding the old grey matter to some shpongle.......I would suggest anyone in the San FRan area see shpongle perform Oct 3. Infected Mushroom dj set also. Dj set by Hallucinogen also.



that video reminded me of this

very funny
i like anything good - generally think trance is too "long winded" i guess... play something to show me otherwise =)
oh i was just listening to all the sphongle in here. it is pretty cool and i'd play it like in the early morning maybe, but not my fav
I know it isn't electronic dance whoo-ha but I like to jam Flaming Lips and find it to be trippy....

This is pure brag and I apologize in advance. I got to catch Manifestation Celebration in Austin. At this Alex Grey and his wife did live paintings while that Sphongle band played live. It was wild. There were feather chicks and all kinds of mind blowing shit. Also I got to meet was Rick Strassman and Mitch Schultz the director of DMT: The Spirit Molecule documentary...which I got to see...but that is another story.

I had never heard Sphongle until that night.
dam ur a very lucky person. i live in texas but i wasnt able to make it to that show but i heard of it. there is very few good music like that every around here. and alex grey and strassman are awesome. besides them too i would wanna meet tim leary and alexander shulgin.