Trippy Music

One of my favs .... I'm sure a few other can relate..
If any of you fellows feel like tripping at the break of dawn, I highly suggest this producer:


The slow and thumping progressiveness will lead you out of your own mind and into something that is foreign and cannot be explained!
Yo NDA give this a wirl ...

Quick at first but it mellows out ... two tracks mixed together ...
I love the low bass passes at the mid/end ... aka 'Sinister Mood' of this track

System, Chase & Status - Hurt You



And if you are still in this groove ... check this one out !
The guy reaches some nice frequencies .. but it is loopy and it kinda goes nowhere ...

Wow ...DINKA ... thank you for this one ... mind blown ...



That is some serious sand music ...
Morning breaks are wicked ... best time ;)
Big space trippin ...
prog psytrance


bit of old fullon lol i got too much of this stuff keep remembering more

I can only take progpsy trance for a period of time tho.
AT times ... such frequencies put me in a frenzy :P

I think the key for all these types ... is the venue/setting.

One of my favs .... I'm sure a few other can relate..

Did you get to see them last year? It was fucking amazing. One of my top bands EVER, for sure.
Did you get to see them last year? It was fucking amazing. One of my top bands EVER, for sure.
no didn't get to see them last year .... They only played a few dates in the U.S. and most sold out within hours. some of the footage from ATP in the UK was amazing. But yes of course ..One of my fav also.
I can only take progpsy trance for a period of time tho.
AT times ... such frequencies put me in a frenzy :P

I think the key for all these types ... is the venue/setting.


Tara dum dum dum,
Tara dum dum dum, its a shamanic beat.
Thanks bro, you are very kind.

I can only take progpsy trance for a period of time tho.
AT times ... such frequencies put me in a frenzy :P

I think the key for all these types ... is the venue/setting.


yeah i spent too much of my youth at psy parties now i get dissapointed when tripping if it has got a psy beat/ feel to the music, techno and house is good but not for a night out or psychedlics for me

how about suomi trance some of it can be cheesy as hell but it hits the spot on acid


one of the cheesiest tracks i know but i defy you not to smile when tripping your tits off ;)
no didn't get to see them last year .... They only played a few dates in the U.S. and most sold out within hours. some of the footage from ATP in the UK was amazing. But yes of course ..One of my fav also.

Really...that is crazy. They charged $45-50ish a ticket and they couldn't sell out in Austin. They even dropped the door price to half and didn't sell out...weak sauce.