Trippy Music

Quite apropos to some discussions of the day.


Oregon Man ... stop spamming copies of similar videos.
You r making this page load up so slow ... with all the replying.
Choose one good track and blow my mind.

By the time I get to your third entry I give up !
Also consider people with slow bandwidth.
It takes ages to open this thread with your
entries of 10 vids in the row !



Lol Chad Vader!
I met the guys who do all the chad vader videos.

I also have the first star wars movie billboard sized movie poster which can sell for 20k+ also a shit ton more star wars collectables :P
My grandma loved sci fi movies before she passed away.



I posted this song elsewhere, but it trips me out, so I wanted to place it here as well.

Terrence Mc Kenna thinks shrooms came from outter space spores traveling through space n shit lol
Anyways he said that the whole reason you see sounds is that its a whole new language of communication through shrooms vibrations play a big role in the universe but sounds he said sounds as a visual language? seeing sounds is insane, shrooms from outter space? i mean i know music is one of the most powerful things in the world, the universe is built on vibrations sounds and math, i got a 15 inch 3000watt sub in the trunk i love to bang! But imma stay with my old fashion believes Hip Hop all the way! Puff everyday!
Do you update your avatar ... daily ??
Very cool ....
I respect everything you said in your statement !

Psilocybin .. as per His theory ... at this time
is 'The Ancient Past' .... We have traveled much,
much further ... as of his demise !

I know I have !
I jump portals !


Sometimes I can not only see music ... but touch it !
Klaatu.. Not to be confused with the beatles...