Tripping And Exercise


Active Member
I hadn't tripped for 23 years. A common scenario - maturity, responsibility and the harshness of prohibition causes one to phase out entheogens around the age of 30 or so. But I didn't quit tripping, I only stopped for a few decades. Arriving into my sixth decade in this meatbag, I now have time, my own place with no kids around, and a little money.

Then, just this year, I found out you could buy spores on the Internet :-o

Gifts of Nature.jpg

Back in my 20s I was very fit. And I have lots of fond memories of chewing up a couple of grams of shrooms and going for a 10 to 15 mile run in the hills on a hot day. If you are properly prepared for a run like that it can be immensely satisfying, and the mushroom heightened and amplified the experiences. I've also summited a 10,000' mountain on a racing bike on a half hit of acid, back in the day. I remember thinking, "This is what it must feel like to be Superman".

You don't want to trip hard while running or cycling for obvious reasons. We're talking light to moderate doses here.

Sooo, today's the first day of my Thanksgiving vacation and I'm still very fit for my age. I'm going on a bike ride with Mr. Psilocybin and I'll be back with a trip report later.

Anyone else have any experiences to share with exercise and psychedelics?


Well-Known Member
That sounds really cool. I can definitely see how a half hit of acid would give you those stimulant like feelings while also just making the run/bike ride seem a lot more meaningful and much shorter than it actually was. I have no experience with tripping and exercising but after reading this I really want to try it. I'm looking forward you reading your report you meatbag :-P

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I have no insight to share on the subject, just wanted to say have a good time. Looking forward to hear how it goes.


Active Member
Haven't left yet. You know the first acid trip ever involved a bicycle ride.

From Wikipedia "History of LSD"

"Bicycle Day"

Bicycle Day Celebration Blotter

Three days later, April 19, 1943, Hofmann performed a self-experiment to determine the true effects of LSD, intentionally ingesting 0.25 miligrams (250 micrograms of the substance, an amount he predicted to be a threshold dose (an actual threshold dose is 20 micrograms).[6] Less than an hour later, Hofmann experienced sudden and intense changes in perception. He asked his laboratory assistant to escort him home and, as use of motor vehicles was prohibited because of wartime restrictions, they had to make the journey on a bicycle. On the way, Hofmann’s condition rapidly deteriorated as he struggled with feelings of anxiety, alternatingly believing the next-door neighbor was a malevolent witch, that he was going insane, and the LSD had poisoned him. When the house doctor arrived, however, he could detect no physical abnormalities, save for a pair of incredibly dilated pupils. Hofmann was reassured, and soon his terror began to give way to a sense of good fortune and enjoyment, as he later wrote
"... little by little I could begin to enjoy the unprecedented colors and plays of shapes that persisted behind my closed eyes. Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux ..."
The events of the first LSD trip, now known as “Bicycle Day”, after the bicycle ride home, proved to Hofmann that he had indeed made a significant discovery. A psychoactive substance with extraordinary potency, capable of causing paradigm shifts of consciousness in incredibly low doses, Hofmann foresaw the drug as a powerful psychiatric tool; because of its intense and introspective nature, he couldn’t imagine anyone using it recreationally.


Active Member
After the last post I chewed up maybe a gram and a half of Psilocybe Cubensis B+ strain. The amount is only an estimate. Because of prohibition I choose not to own a scale. A modest dose by any measure but I fasted for 16 hours before hand and the shroom was potent because it was harvested only a week ago and dried with nothing but cool, dry air. So I was definitely dosed. Still am 4½ hours later.

On the trip scale of 1 to 5 it was definitely a 1. It was just a nice afternoon made nicer by heightened perceptions of the five senses. The first hour of the 48 mile ride was a mix of bike trails and public streets and I was concerned about my sense of balance and of time and space being impaired enough to cause some danger of falling off the bike or misjudging a intersection resulting in collision with a car. But after about an hour I got my "shroom legs" and felt confident I was in control of the bicycle and could safely negotiate street crossings without getting myself killed.

Being blessed with good health and good fitness, 3+ hours of cardio in the target heart rate resulted in some nice runner's high - a sense of well being and mild euphoria, now with 30% more niceness because of the Psilocybin in my blood. The day was lovely - gorgeous blue skys, mountains, high desert, no air pollution, which we enjoy here in the Western part of North America. Colors were enhanced like a Kodachrome photograph. On the iPod I started with a podcast called Psychonautica (highly recommended to the readers of this forum) but it was a bit more than the frontal lobes wanted to deal with under vigorous exercise. So I switched the the new Jimi Hendrix that just came out - West Coast Seattle Boy - and thoroughly enjoyed it. The previously unheard (by me anyway) versions of the ballads like Castles Made of Sand and The Wind Cries Mary brought chills. The last hour of the ride was uphill and I got to do that while listening to ferocious live versions of Purple Haze and Foxy Lady and other songs I'd not heard before. The music stimulated adrenaline production and I attacked the uphill with gusto a little more than I should have because my old knees are complaining a bit now after the ride.

A really lovely way to spend a late fall, Sunday afternoon.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I feel like I can run all day on acid :lol: I love running around, feels like im zooming through hyperspace


Active Member
Update: Spent the rest of the evening playing the guitar, slept 9 hours and next day feel like a million bucks. No hangover. We know that, only that that legal crap they sell in the stores causes hangovers.

Now it's your turn! Get out there and do something physical outdoors in a safe and pleasant way. Don't waste your sacred mushrooms and other entheogens on watching TV. Lower the dose and let the exercise-induced euphoria and sunlight-induced mood elevation take up the slack.