Trippin on 22 candys!!


Well-Known Member
well title kinda explains it. ive been taken e from 6pm last night and ive reached 22 as of now. everything feels so nice right now, i only have 1 problem, everytime i stand up i go blind and dizzy for like 30seconds to a minutes :| someone tell me why please its kinda scary and its makin me feel unsettled.


Well-Known Member
man that same shit has happened to me before, except it was only once or twice, not every time i stood up
i was sitting down smoking weed and cigarettes and when i stood up it happened so i figured it was because of the weed and/or cigarettes but i dont really know.
but you really shouldnt be doing 22 of them things man... E's nowadays seem to be filled with meth. I stopped that shit a while ago and I must say I feel much happier... and cleaner lol

slurms mckenzie

Active Member
ya you shouldnt be taking anymore right now man, your seritonin has been depleted. I dont know why your getting dizzy and blind or what not, but just trying to be helpfull i think you should chill out and try to get some rest.


Well-Known Member
e isnt filled with meth e is just a a methamphetamine itself anyway but yeah eating 22 in one night is kinda silly they must be really weak or you take them too much yougotta let your seratonin come back some before you eat them so they work right

hope you dont die


Well-Known Member
Yeah drink lots of water, please. I think it would be more fun tripping for 22 days str8 instead of 22 times the strenght for 1 day.


i bet he's sleeeeping:-P... and thinking:wall::-(:dunce:....
22tabs is a shitload; you shouldnt be doing that many in a month, much less during the course of a night... you couldnt see and were getting dizzy when you stood up cause you were on the verge of passing out... due to ingesting a stupid amount of drugs... slow down before you kill yourself:sad:


Well-Known Member
yeah I hope he is alright. I had a friend that sent an e-mail to her brother like that, he drove an hour to check on her and she was dead. She was commiting suicide but didn't really want to. e-mailed for help but was too late.


Well-Known Member
all he probably ingested was soemm really weak x mixed with a bunch of pill filler to make it press sounds like shitty rolls if he had to eat so many


Well-Known Member
holyy guys, im still trippin lmfao its pretty fun now , and the blindness seems to be gone, it was more liek a head rush from dehiydration but i drank tons of juice and stuff. that was weird but those were some goood candys i just took to many of them i think. i test 1 with my friend today it was 70% mdma and 30% speed :| well thanks for the help guys i just sat down and staired out my window hitting poppers of my weed for over 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
The blind & dizzy thing from standing up is due to high blood pressure (or is it low blood pressure), it happens to ordinary people sometimes when they have high or low blood pressure, but for it to be happening -everytime- you stand up is a clear red alert and i reccommend you go to the doctor asap or if you're barbaric just get knocked out but make sure your in the fetal position


Well-Known Member
u're comedwn is going 2 be one of the worst times of ur life

my mom is a nurse frm what she told me i think hippieman is right get a blood pressure test and get ur ass 2 the hospital if u start gettin faint, DONT TRY TO DRIVE URSELF, and keep drinking water about a glass every 1hr 2 make sure u dnt drown urself

i hope u have insurance