Trinity 2.0 vs Mortgage Lifter Grow Tent vs bcnl the producer


Active Member
hi there ive been growing in soil for about 2 years now and am going to be switching to hydroponics i have the money to buy one of these systems i know i could build my own for cheaper but i couldnt build anything to save my life :cry: i just wanted to know witch one of these systems whould be the better deal and witch one do u think whould produce the most on every crop ? advie whould be greeat thaankkks
i was just looking into this as well, hit a road bump in my funding which is going to push my operation back a few months. So instead of doing it half assed i was looking into these "Pre-Engineered" grow boxes. I was looking into the Trinity 2.0, but for 4000, thats a lot of hooch. Although it sounds amazing, it wouldn't do me much good unless i were to sell the buds afterwards. And honestly, i don't want the burden/risk.

I was checking out a few others as well. chances are this is the route i will take unless i come across a few extra bucks to build one myself sooner. If you end up purchasing one, please keep us updated with a review.

Best of luck mate.


Well-Known Member
I have a Power Grow dual cab(from the early 2k's) and a BCNL Producer. Lucked out and found both on my local CL for just pennies on the dollar. Would I buy either of them for their suggested MSRP? Fuck no. Don't get me wrong, both are real nice but dammmnn is that ever a shit ton of money! Remember, the Producer is a flowering cabinet first and and will inherently give you heat issues due to its design, and the fact that it uses a DWC setup under 800 watts of HPS in such a small space. On the other hand if everything goes well you will get some fat, dank ass nugs outta her. Also all of the electronics are hardwired in, which gives you limited flexibility. And speaking of that its controller is like an Atari compared to Sentinel's gear. The thing about cabs are that it is easier to keep a cleaner and much better controlled environment, so that is definitely a plus.

A Darkroom tent by Secret Jardin would get my vote if I were in your shoes bro. That or scour CL for deals. I'm still waiting on a Deluxe Super Closet to pop up myself. Wouldn't mind giving that thing a go for under five bills.


Active Member
Go with a tent, you can buy everything you need to put in it for less than half the cost.

Good Luck


Go with a tent, you can buy everything you need to put in it for less than half the cost.

Good Luck
I believe the whole reason he is making the thread though is because he doesn't want to build his own for lack of know how or skills to do such.
When in that fact I'd say go for it. I was wanting either one of those grow closets but it will have to wait a while, until I get a better apartment. I'm not risking growing shit where I live right now.
yea, i wouldn't mind a tent either if i had a basement or a space to 'hide' it. But if we were to go with a a Cool cab with is what I'm looking into. It looks like a locker, filing cabinet with a lock and everything. I know that something like that could be built at a fraction of the cost. I am pretty mechanically inclined and could also design the grow space with 3d modeling software and calculate most of the heat transfer needed to keep it at room temp, ME graduate student. The problem is investing the money into the tooling require to make this box, Special hole saws that would probably only be used ONCE. I know that hole saws are not to expensive as is, but when you add up all the time, and costs of tooling to do it correctly, t just may not be as cost effective to it it ourself. These people probably already paid an engineer to design the box for optimum temperature etc. Those would be my assumptions i have no clue if they did or not.

I was looking into

which is the cool cab. Seems pretty interesting. i am probably going to go this route if i end up with a nice income tax check. Im living in apartment, so something done RIGHT is a must.


Active Member
yea, i wouldn't mind a tent either if i had a basement or a space to 'hide' it. But if we were to go with a a Cool cab with is what I'm looking into. It looks like a locker, filing cabinet with a lock and everything. I know that something like that could be built at a fraction of the cost. I am pretty mechanically inclined and could also design the grow space with 3d modeling software and calculate most of the heat transfer needed to keep it at room temp, ME graduate student. The problem is investing the money into the tooling require to make this box, Special hole saws that would probably only be used ONCE. I know that hole saws are not to expensive as is, but when you add up all the time, and costs of tooling to do it correctly, t just may not be as cost effective to it it ourself. These people probably already paid an engineer to design the box for optimum temperature etc. Those would be my assumptions i have no clue if they did or not.

I was looking into

which is the cool cab. Seems pretty interesting. i am probably going to go this route if i end up with a nice income tax check. Im living in apartment, so something done RIGHT is a must.
I hope everything works out for you.
Good Luck.

Good Luck