Trimming top fan leaves

Hi guys
Just a quick question would cutting two big fan leaves at the top 8 days into flower ruin my lady just that they are blocking the light ?
Any help would be truly grateful
Sound I was worried I would stress her out !!
Probably time to find a bigger space as the light is to close ( not a professional set up in any stretch) ha ha
This is a point that brings a lot of debate, but if you have a healthy plant then you can absolutely remove those fan leaves.
I slowly remove fan leaves throughout flowering to help with light penetration and I have healthy plants with good yields every crop.
Not only does removing fan leaves help with light penetration but it will actually encourage bud growth. It can be taken too far of course, and outdoors plants need the majority of their fan leaves, but indoors if you have very healthy plants, they can actually do better if you practice strategic removal of fan leaves.

Happy growing!
Yes ive seen plenty of debate around this
Im in two minds she has had minimal effort due to lack of funds and equipment
Just tlc and water with a little tomato feed
Guessing she was an auto
Not sure I should take the risk as she probably not healthy
She seems ok maybe patience is the key?IMG_20200701_143042.jpg
Complete amateur and laughable to some but when its all you got to work with gotta march on!!