Trimming Sugar Leaves?


Hey guys,

I had planted my plants in not the greatest of area's and they probably only get about 5 or 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. As iv been learning.....i learned that you should remove some of the fan leaves that are blocking sunlight to the buds as more sunlight will increase bud size (also to remove the lower buds to concentrate growth on the buds that are getting better sunlight. Being a new grower iv gone a little crazy and started to remove the "sugar leaves" to expose the buds to even more sunlight ( i kept a decent amount of fan leaves on and taken off quite a few sugar leafs.... What are your guys thoughts?


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Hey guys,

I had planted my plants in not the greatest of area's and they probably only get about 5 or 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. As iv been learning.....i learned that you should remove some of the fan leaves that are blocking sunlight to the buds as more sunlight will increase bud size (also to remove the lower buds to concentrate growth on the buds that are getting better sunlight. Being a new grower iv gone a little crazy and started to remove the "sugar leaves" to expose the buds to even more sunlight ( i kept a decent amount of fan leaves on and taken off quite a few sugar leafs.... What are your guys thoughts?

NO, NO, NO! You have limited direct need all the power you can get!

Trim no leaves!

If I didn't see a residential fence, I'd suggest putting on your boots and chopping some of that other stuff down. You could still get away with it if you wear a hi-vis vest and a hard hat. Maybe carry a clipboard and point around while your buddy hacks away? Lol

^These dudes know whatsup btw
HAHAHA that could actually work as there is a city sewer on this property...... i wont be trimming anything else
If I didn't see a residential fence, I'd suggest putting on your boots and chopping some of that other stuff down. You could still get away with it if you wear a hi-vis vest and a hard hat. Maybe carry a clipboard and point around while your buddy hacks away? Lol

^These dudes know whatsup btw
Lol say that dude in doc has helped me on here a lot, so has a lot of others as well....I'm on here every night reading threads and learning, so if I'm just trying to pay it forward with the easy I far from knowing what's up....but thanks anyway broth a man bongsmilie
I stopped the trimming and now will just let her grow..... here are some pics from today.... i see that there is a seed looking sack there.... but so far i only see the only seed


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so far to be honest it doesn't look like it has slowed the growth of the buds as i check them everyday, they look like they are growing quite fat...but i have never done this before so next year ill do it again and do 1 plant trimmed and 1 not.

A buddy of mine grew a genetically modified plant (his 3rd time growing) that started to flower randomly during the summer, and hes prob only going to yield 4 or 5 g's and im sure im already past that point so i must be doing something right.
If the fan leaves are super thick and blocking the buds then hack away. Leave the sugar leaves alone though. In general I ascribe to leaving the plant alone but sometimes will take off fans if they are getting out of control. When you chop off the fans the sugar leaves grow in thicker but I do not see an advantage to chopping fans in most cases. The plant will stall a little when you chop a lot off at one time.
If the fan leaves are super thick and blocking the buds then hack away. Leave the sugar leaves alone though. In general I ascribe to leaving the plant alone but sometimes will take off fans if they are getting out of control. When you chop off the fans the sugar leaves grow in thicker but I do not see an advantage to chopping fans in most cases. The plant will stall a little when you chop a lot off at one time.


You do realize buds do not photosynthesis right? Those fat juicy fan leafs are the ones responsible for plant growth.
Many moons ago I had 6 violator kush in organic soil in 5 gallon nursery buckets flowering under 1 400 watt hps. Some one said " if you remove lots of fan leaves the buds get more light , and since you're only using a 400 watt hps they need all the light they can get". I then liberally removed all of the leaves except like 3 ! I know a shit ton about lots of different plants and I know that info went against EVERYTHING I know. But since I never grew cannabis before, I thought that maybe there was some druid like magical shit about it that I didn't know about! Long story short (sort of) all said and done I harvested a whopping 1.5 ounces of pure shit! Dry weight! It was a proud moment lol. I tuck my fan leaves down and out of the way but I leave everything on now. Much better... You know every one of you is grinning thinking what an asshole.. It's funny shit pass around and enjoy ..
Many moons ago I had 6 violator kush in organic soil in 5 gallon nursery buckets flowering under 1 400 watt hps. Some one said " if you remove lots of fan leaves the buds get more light , and since you're only using a 400 watt hps they need all the light they can get". I then liberally removed all of the leaves except like 3 ! I know a shit ton about lots of different plants and I know that info went against EVERYTHING I know. But since I never grew cannabis before, I thought that maybe there was some druid like magical shit about it that I didn't know about! Long story short (sort of) all said and done I harvested a whopping 1.5 ounces of pure shit! Dry weight! It was a proud moment lol. I tuck my fan leaves down and out of the way but I leave everything on now. Much better... You know every one of you is grinning thinking what an asshole.. It's funny shit pass around and enjoy ..
Only human dude we all fuck up :)
I think you hit your head too hard there boy. Buds and their sugar leaves do photosynthesis, yes I realize it.Fans help but are not everything. I feel like I am hitting my head on a wall now.

The only fans I have taken off this grow were yellow so have been lucky with not needing to. Tucking them is another way to go.
I believe in removing fan leaves in a tight grow room to help light penetration to the lower buds & air circulation. Outside is diff. the sun is moving & you get good circulation. And no I don't flush. :mrgreen: