trimming shade leaves question need help!!


Well-Known Member
Hello all I just turned my girls to flower and I'm doing a cfl grow, well my question is they got extremely bushy with shade leaves and little light is penetrating the inner nodes and branching and they are not developing as well I trimmed ALOT of the shade leaves and the light is reaching much better but my question is it harmfull to trim off majority of the shade leaves or should I be fine? Also the only nutes I have right now are shultz 10-15-10 how much would you say is safe to use without causing nute burn? Should I just use the directed amount or is it safe to double up??
Thanks for all replies!!


Well-Known Member
Do not trim your shade leaves! it's ok to move them around and such but you definitely don't want to cut the majority off, Really bad idea...(it's how your lady turns electricity/light into bud. also with the nutes it's usually a good idea to start at half strength and slowly up from there, starting at twice the recommended is usually not a good rule of thumb. Good luck let me know how it turns out. hope i could help


Well-Known Member
stick a load of fans in, to replace your fanning leafs you pulled their there to keep the plant cool more so, mighten be to bad. cut the ends of the leaf leaving a bit of the leaf still there is a better idea


Well-Known Member
Never ever ever cut your fan leaves! they are the big because they do most of the work! don't cut any leaves unless you can gently pull them off, even if the leaf dies the plant pulls the stored nutes back in so the leaf will fall off. If you cut them off it won't ruin the plants but lower the yeilds, if they are in the way the pull or tie your plants back so more light hits lower, BUT DO NOT CUT THE LEAVES! they make the THC and sugars.