Trimming Leaves for Secrecy

Just wondering if tiny of bits of the leaves could be trimmed to not look like Marijuana? Im probably not going to do it, but just in case I knew some people were type people...and I wanted to hide it best as possible..they are in the woods behind my house..also thought of pinning fake red flowers to em for that day...any opinions?


Well-Known Member
interesting..i guess you could trim a few depending on the size..but the fan leaves absorb all the light and give engery to the plant so trimming all would be a horrible idea..if there in pots maybe just moving them for a lil flower..maybe draw attention?...
true...drawing unneccessary attention...I just have some cops coming to the house searching for drugs because of my cousin that's staying with us...they are only searching inside the house so it should be dogs are coming thank god...i guess i'll just chance it...unless anyone has secrecy tips


Active Member
There's a couple different plants out there that look very similar to pot, but aren't. It's too short notice for it, but you could go find some and grow them around your plant. Hide it in plain sight kinda thing.


Well-Known Member
i wasent asking what you mean..i was saying its possible the red flowers would draw attention..but phrased in a question


Well-Known Member
jus dont hide it in your cousins room but id say put it back next to some other potted plans so in a lil more inconspicuos ya kno