Trimming fan leafs during flowering?PICS


Active Member
ok this is my first grow and i am now in my first week of 12/12. I am using a 400 watt hps on 5 girls. Now the way things are now the bottoms of my plants are not getting that much light but its not bad but i can tell soon they will not see any light, so i was wandering if i could trim some of the upper fan leaf without doin damage so light would get down there. And if so how



Active Member
i actually just trimmed the fan leaves over the under buds but only like cut the tips off around 3/4 inch maybe enough to let light down they are genetically programmed to deal with a certain amount of things i dont have any bugs but in the wild there are plenty and they still grow with some outdoor damage and hazards so i figured indoor perfect environment a little trimming wouldnt hurt anything so far no problems and actually see inprovement in the lower end of the plant



Well-Known Member
I remove loads of fan leaves all the way through my grows.
Never had any problems so far.
If what people say is true i would have super giant plants if i didnt cut any leaves off huh?

As it is i just have huge 3 foot colas of super crystalized bud and hardly any leaf.
Dont believe the hype and always read about your own particular strain.
Some strains do not like to have their leaves removed whilst others will flourish as long as they are well looked after and you expose much more of the plants buds to the light.

I have already removed many leaves from this plant:

And nearer to harvest even more are taken away to gain maximum light exposure to the buds.


Well-Known Member
:weed:i think if u grow weed like that cut awaybaby cut cut cut those colas rock!!!!
You do have to cut carefully and not all at once,just here and there.
I believe that the tips are the best bit because in most setups they are the only bits that get good lighting.
In my plants they are good from top to bottom.

The fan leaves basically store water and nutes for times of hardship.
There are no times of hardship in my cupboard:mrgreen:

Thanks for the compliment though,much appreciated.
Those colas were 3 foot long buds basically by the time they were done and hardly any leaf and hardly any trimming to be done and covered in trics and resin:eyesmoke:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I also cut alot of fan leaves off and it seems to work. All the experienced growers that I know personally cut fan leaves off like the pictures in the previous post, and they all swear bye it. I also do it and it works fine. Take it for what its worth, its something I do and its something I will continue to do.


Well-Known Member
depends on how you grow and your conditions to all its own and if it works keep to it if it don't try something new,noone is the complete master of growing!!If we could get a plant to tell us what it wants and what to do would be awesome,but it does give us signes and we have to ack on those the best we can!!!Im stoned and i love to grow and learn so wish everyone best of growing,i'll be done in 2 weeks and will have pics!!!later