trimming before or after drying?


Active Member
Simple question, should i manicure my buds right after harvest or dry them first? Why

I would like to make cannabutter and tincture with the trim...thanks guys


Active Member
everyone has their personal preference.... it kindof depends on your drying conditions. (temps and rh). i personally cut all the fan leafs off and trim the sugar leaf tips. then about 3 days into drying i do a final trim...


New Member
Wet or dry cut , the choice is yours alone .. I like to do a little of both . I rip all shades by hand when wet and dispose . The sugar leaves I trim later on when the bud is almost dry .. It ensures a slower dry time and I began this routine due to low RH .. Later on when the RH went up and I harvested I realized for myself its easier to split the duty .. I caregive and always have something needing trimmed due to a smooth running perpetual medical grow ......... Game on have fun , it becomes the bane of a grower in time ...PotSnob


Active Member
Thanks guys!

Im also in a low RH area and i tried drying my sample buds in an open door shed...learned my lesson... nugs shriveled bad and were airy...ill be drying inside my insulated garage for the main harvest on a hanging dry rack...looking for a slower dry so I'll try doing fan leaves and leaving sugar leaves in hopes itll slow it down...


Well-Known Member
if you trim wet you can mute the taste and smell...
i think wet trim looks a bit it's kind of a trade off..
i trim when the outside of the bud is dry but the inside isn't
about 4-5 days after pulling...

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
The slower you dry the better the end product will be. I hung 6 of my plants 8 days ago with all the leaves. I have been trimming them a little at a time over the last few days. The smell is really strong still. Last time I trimmed wet and never got the full smell or taste back (same strain). In so cal where there is no humidity I would hang the full plant to slow down the drying.


Well-Known Member
If you trim after drying it definitely effects the shape of the buds ime. It is also harder to trim crispy curled back leaves. I would rather trim wet.


Active Member
Conflicting answers as expected, love this site! Lol for real tho, really proves that there are many ways to do things that all work...

Well it just so happens that i had the top of one branch snap off bc of my damn dog (jk i love her lol) and i had to remove the tip of another cola bc of a budworm...i salvaged both and trimmed one wet and hung the other one whole ...ill get some pics up and let u guys know how the experiment goes! :)


Well-Known Member
If you trim after drying it definitely effects the shape of the buds ime. It is also harder to trim crispy curled back leaves. I would rather trim wet.
I was on the same theory last year.. infact I trimmed up most of them live on the plant..

tried this year on my Carm and hung the whole thing.. I was able to shave a ton of time off trimming just by drying then trimming + less scissor + finger hash too...

wont ever fresh trim again...


Well-Known Member
I remove fan leaves and dry them, after 4-5 days, when stems almost snaps, i trim the small leaves and when im ready to cure i trim the sugarleaves .


Active Member
I too feel the anxiety shared amongst new growers. A friend told me to stop freakin' out about having too much trim work to do. He said to hang it whole, bag it, and trim at your discretion. He said that some folks keep it bagged whole & trim as they use. Since I am running a solo garden I feel overwhelmed at times & anxiety is killin' me. Dry trimming does enhance the flavors. I definitely agree with him there.

I need to take a couple of OG branches & just relax...............................:joint:

Congrats to all you freshmen & sophomore growers out there. Once you grow your own life will never be the same as before. It keeps getting better!


Taking the fan leaves off soon after harvest is the way to go. The fans still contain chlorophyll if u leave on it can give harsh taste.hang it up till the stems snap easily. Finish it up by trimmng to your liking and jar it for a few days. Cutting all the leaves on colas immediatly after choping will result in a fast uneven airy dry in my experience. Try to keep rh around 50% heat in 70s is good. Indirect air circulation is key also. A good dry is really important.


Active Member
Well here is a picture of the nug and branch i salvaged today (took a slight loss) but was able to keep most bc i caught the worm early and the branch was freshly broken... anyways, i trimmed the big nug wet and just hung the branch without removing anything... they both are drying slowly and nicely... think i found my dry spot! Mason jars are on the way



Well-Known Member
I hang my plants whole for 10-14 days, then trim.
Works best for me. But lately the weather is messing up my
Dry time.


Active Member
I hang my plants whole for 10-14 days, then trim.
Works best for me. But lately the weather is messing up my
Dry time.
It's 100 degrees today. WTF? I had to flood 'em today to keep 'em from wilting. I don't have a garage to hang in just an outdoor tin shed. It's big, hot, & short. I have 8'+ plants to hang. I have a tree????

I'll take Summer as long as Mother Nature wants give it to me!