Trimmed my plant for the first time ( PICS )


Active Member
Newbies and less experienced growers - do NOT remove the fan leaves. That's like closing the GM plant in Detroit with your fucking truck still inside, eh? They are the sugar factories for your plants. Removed by morons and the less knowledgeable. Left by everybody else. Tuck the big ones back! Be smarter than your plant. A real challenge for some, impossible for many.
"Tuck the big ones back!"

Simple but brilliant lol.


Woah... ANYYWAYS , if you look at my other pics mostleaves were turning yelow , I kept some fan leaves , I didn't chop EVERYTHING off. I think everyone should chill the fuck out


Well-Known Member
You asked if there is anything eles you should do. We told you. Don't do that next time. You just don't like the answers because it's not what you wanted to hear.