Trimmed Bud Porn ! Yeaaa !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? !?!?!?!?!?

I've only sampled the SpaceBomb, Chernobyl, Vortex so far. Vortex will get you fucked up. Chernobyl is happy up-high but I smoke it at night. (I wanted the couch-lock medicated high from chernobyl so I do have a batch taken much later in curing). The SpaceBomb pheno I have is kind of weak so I will be popping more seeds of that. They all make me more social though. No paranoia. Sorry I'm not much of a smoker to begin with (long story), actually just started smoking again after quitting for like 5 years so I have much to learn.

You know, other than checking weather forecasts, I actually never paid attention to the temp/humidty during the summer. I vegged them indoors in a 5x5x8 closet with the door open and just a simple box fan for circulation (positioned to blow the rising heat towards the entrance), and a window opposite of the closet for fresh air. Did pretty well with no leaf curl problems or pests. (got caterpillars like everyone else once I moved them outside). They do seem to be vegging slower now during the winter time so pretty much only the extreme temperatures will affect these plants. In my opinion the cold causes more issues than heat. These plants made it through 100-110F temps during the summer, all you have to do is water them a lot with cool water. Kind of wish it was summer again.

oh woops, I misread that. My dry space is simply a dark-room with a window open. It was easier to dry when it's warmer. Takes forever when it's cold.

ohh I just smoked some JillyBean, its not fully cured but gave me a really happy up high.
i have never seen such perfectly manicured bud. seriously. and those strains look absolutely a+. the colors are beautiful and they look like they were completely pampered from start to finish. that's what i call a successful grow. very nice.
excellent looking buds.. that TGA gear looks amazing. Im for sure picking up some of those strains very soon. Vortex, Dairy Queen, Agent Orange, Jacks Cleaner 2, and Querkle are all needed in the garden.

Check out my bud shot thread.. because of you I'm going to start taking more trimmed shots.. :)

haha thanks. (No one's ordered from the link in my sig yet, wonder if it works and attitude actually pays you commission.)
If you do, order through my link if you can, so I can try more TGA strains next year, lol. I wanted Agent Orange but I had 2 seeds and both were male =[
very nice plants what was your dry weight?

I see this question over and over and over...Who gives a shit?

Each person is going to have their own results depending on condition and technique.

It's like you people post that meaningless question just to be heard...It's ok to just sit back and listen...You may actually learn how to have a "heavy" harvest of you own to show off one day!

Thats my rant for the day!

I see this question over and over and over...Who gives a shit?

Each person is going to have their own results depending on condition and technique.

It's like you people post that meaningless question just to be heard...It's ok to just sit back and listen...You may actually learn how to have a "heavy" harvest of you own to show off one day!

Thats my rant for the day!


Yes! Honestly why the repeated dry weight question in peoples threads? I don't even own a scale. I can't imagine why anyone who grows for only personal use would even own a scale. A scale means "intent to distribute" to the piggies.
i like this thread!! once i get better connection on my laptop. ill post up sum pics of my White Widow and SUper SKunk and Blue Venom.. i am very picky with my trimming too.. but deff doesnt compare 2 urs. lol
Trimmed rather well


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Nice BOOBS, I mean Buds, I mean Boobs. I mean both. LOL

Also, excellent trimming tutorial. Your buds are perfect!!!! What strain is that again?

I have Easy Ryders that look very similar now and I am getting ready to make some bud porn. I wish the girl in your avatar could come over and help in that shirt. Then again it might be hard to stare at the buds. ;)