Tried to quit smoking


Well-Known Member
Im trying to quit smoking for 1 month so i can get this job. I cant sleep and im getting headaches. Soo i just have to smoke. Tylenol doesnt help. Either does sleeping pills. My only cure is sweet ol mary jane. Any suggestions?:-?


Active Member
My friend had some bad withdrawls like this. Unfortunately it took him a couple months before he was able to sleep very well at all. Now when he smokes he gets insomnia, and the other day he said it's almost not worth smoking dealing with the sleep issues. Hopefully you aren't as cursed.


New Member
i dunno i found tylenol pm to be very helpfull and i take it 1 hr prior too my last session then after my session pretty drowsy and sleep like a rock haha i love it

mz yes i smoke

Active Member
i had the exact same problem a while ago
i coudnt eat or annyything
it sucked
but honestly the only thing you can do is wait it out
after a few weeks you should get used to not smoking.

aside from that, i used to drink hot mint tea to help relax me before bed.
or chamomile(sp?) worked too.
but thats just me

i hope you start feeling better?


New Member
I heard when you quit smoking your dreams become way more vivid. If you get through this part i bet youll feel better during the day. You havent been getting that good REM sleep...


Well-Known Member
I heard when you quit smoking your dreams become way more vivid. If you get through this part i bet youll feel better during the day. You havent been getting that good REM sleep...
i have not smoked for two months ,due to drug testing ,and you do some to have weird dreams ,but i have no trouble sleeping ,but lots of walking the dog ,or keeping busy helps.:peace:


Well-Known Member
im trying to make it seem less druggish

ur foiling my plotz
It is a drug tho... Anything that effects your body is a drug, one could even say food is a drug, but that's pushing it.

I'm sorry tho, I didn't realize what you were doing.

My advice on quiting is to do it cold turkey, it'll be sickning for awhile, you may even have withdrawals. But if you just slow down off it, you'll have a harder time quiting in the end. Don't wean yourself off, all that will do is cause you to :spew: