tried clsa/lsc ?


Well-Known Member
Has Anyone tried turning lysergamide from like morning glory seeds to cinnamylidene lysergamide (clsa) or the more probable which is bislysergamide..either way it has an XlogP3 of 4.32....
In practice optimum colonic is 1.32, intestinal is 1.35, oral 1.8, Cns 2, percutaneous at 2.6 and sublingual 5.5.... Therefor you have succedeed in making cdlsa if instead of effects taking an hour its 5-20min

I would like to hear from anyone who has made this or lsh,lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide.. Well how was it?
lsa is good stuff. it takes a lot to do the job but lsa makes up most of the market people say or think its "lsd" but its most likely lsa as real lsd is very rare in the open market. easy to make but beware the morning glory contains chemicals that are lethal to people, also allergic reactions to lsa are common in many people. you could easily make someone sick or even die with lsa. if you aren't some kind of chemist then you should stay away from the lab. its not worth getting blown up. or poisoning your self. respect the plants.
After defatting the seeds I soak in isopropanol the "pure" lsa is hydrolized with the cinnamaldehyde mixed with lecithen....kept under 30degrees during for lsh especially
Has no one tried this? I know its a weed forum but I was still hoping for more responses..
If anyone knows the binding affinity for lsa lsb lsc lshand lsd I would appreciate I... The ionization potential is just as good
Yes, Duck is likely the only one who could address your concerns, your post went right over my head and I consider myself fairly knowlegeable.
One thing though, you are talking about relative onset times. It is a generaly accepted view that rapid onset hallucinogenic experiences are not generaly well received.

consider smoked DMT, although it is done, it isn't popular because of the rapid onset. the same holds true for salvia and having experimented with various modes of ingestion of LSD I can tell you that the more rapid the onset the more.... strained the experience. A fifteen minute conversion from absolute sobriety to peak was.. for me at least, not the best expression of what is usually supposed to be an enjoyable experience.
Which is another reason I'm concerned about dosage... Also the idea is to create a much more powerful experience than lsa, with increased potency and less side effects
I've found a few people who have attempted to make both but their methods were a nit questionable.. I prefer not to follow others, I use my own background to get the result.. They did get what sounded like cdlsa but how much they made relative to lsa is what I question.. I'm trying to figure out is basically more about a drug that's theoretically possible but never been documented
I believe in relying upon other's experiences with certain items but as well, I agree with you that there is something to be said for going out on your own, exploration into new places and breaking new ground. I have always felt that there was much more to LSA than what has been addressed and I would be very interested in your findings.

Again though, you want Duck, he has a grasp of things chemical and especially things chemical as they relate to the more esoteric mind altered states. Duck recently turned me on to the science and art of melt points. It seems to be a rather handy way to get a cursory knowlege of exactly what you are working with - I don't know why I bring that up except to perhaps say that you may be able to determine what it is you finally have after whatever proceedure you intend.
No there's nothing really on google.all me bro, I wonder if I isolate and research it they will name it after me lol jk.the main problem with lsh is that it rapidly converts back to lsa if the temp is above freezing.that's throughout the process and everything, so you could see the problems there. Cdlsa what I'm most interested in not only becauseits highly lipophilic but almost all side effects from lsa are removed. No vasoconstricting effects as well as being a stimulant vs more sedating. Since lsa is so unstable I can't reflux in the acid, that's what the lecithen is for. Since they don't like to mix its hard to determine credibly from other sources how much they created, the only way I can tell is by ingestion.. Since I don't know its affinity or ionic potential I can't figure potency..... I'm sure you could see how this could get dangerous.

Well where's duck
ok so i believe cdlsa was synthesized in this procedure, effects are immediate and roughly 50percent stronger, so its a bit more potent and the side effects were greatly reduced, the vasoconstriction properties have been eliminated and you feel a nice warming sensation,its no longer tiring but not stimulative. the effects themselves are far different than the lsa it came from, more dreamlike hard to describe.if that can be said about the cdlsa, lsh would seem to be perfectly opposite. also more potent than the lsa but intensely more visual,crisp clear high that is more spiritual. the side effects are similar to lsa, maybe a bit stronger.while attempting to make lsh i made 2 batches the one was used with frozen materials, solvent,containers you get the idea.. frozen meaning under 30degrees but as close to 0 as possible,obviously nothing is actually frozen... anyway the other was made the same but refrigerated vs frozen, there was no discernable difference between the second batch and lsa... in my conclusion both are easy enough for a home chemist or even regular guy but lsh isnt worth it, degrades back in under 10 min over 30degrees.. cdlsa is more stabile possibly a few months with no fish eye vasoconstrictin nausea or anything else really...homemade acid anyone?
not that anyone is really interested but i forgot to mntion that the lsh takes about an hour and a half.lsa an hour.cdlsa immediate...just a rough estimate
ive made more recently and it was noticabely more intense, i cant reflux so the amount of lecithen and the ammount of actual cinnamaldehyde play a huge role, it has me questioning the efficiency and how much cdlsa is being created. also if it were pure how potent would it be since it is so much stronger this time.. just waiting for someone smarter to help me
Have you done anymore research into cdlsa? I'm very curious to know all about making this at home if possible, which it kinda seems like it.