My post has a simple question ; let Me ask it for the last time I hope , did you even read it..? And if so do you understand what you are reading ? When and if you read it don’t leave out any of the details of what I am asking for ok : I want to know when YOU look at YOUR Tricomes

(( Not My tricones (((( Do Your Tricomes look cloudy TO YOU at harvest and after harvest Do YOUR trichomes look CLEAR TO YOU Now the only answer for this question could be a simple answer of YES or NO ((((((( Now let me add this in I am trying too find out if I even have and observation problem I won’t know this until my post gets answered in the way it was asked I need answers like Yes I did notice the color change in my Trichomes from cloudy back to clear after i harvest , or no I did not notice the color change in MY Trichomes from cloudy back to clear after i harvest I am trying , to figure out why I am seeing trichomes change from cloudy back to clear after harvest if everyone says no I am going to bring this up at my next meeting with my eye doc
(((( Now for the members with the stupid ass comment keep them to yourself ))